is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. One generation will commend your works to
another; they will tell of your mighty acts.
They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty, and I will
meditate on your wonderful works.” Psalm 145:3-5
Part way through the extended trainings that we were
involved in last week, in the early hours (my time) of Wed., Nov. 29, I received news from family via email that Aunt Mildred, my mother’s sister, had peacefully
slipped into Heaven on the evening (NB time) of November 18 at Sussex Health Center
in New Brunswick, Canada. Although I knew she had been admitted to the hospital
a few days earlier, I still was not prepared for such a quick passing. Ruth
knew her well also and together we cried and prayed. I decided not to join Ruth
for breakfast with the other two trainers, Pat and Ingrid, who were staying in
a different room. As only God could do it, following breakfast the first person
to come to my door to express sympathy was Pat, an Indian woman from South
Africa—Aunt Mildred served in India for 37 years as a missionary.
Later that day I was able to be in touch by cell phone with my Mother, brother
and sister and together we thanked God for her life and that God took her with
minimal suffering. We all dearly loved and admired our missionary Aunt; she certainly
was used of the Lord to interest me in cross cultural missions. The following
day, while we were again involved in the ongoing trainings at the Scripture
Union Camp which borders Lake Victoria, I took an opportunity to withdraw, sit quietly on the beautiful shore of the lake, process my loss a little bit more, and
write some memories to be shared during the funeral. God used Psalm 145
to minister deeply to my heart…“one generation will commend Your works to
another…” God also profoundly comforted me by the fact that virtually the very
hour of her funeral service in Sussex (11:00 a.m. November 22)—Death—was the
time we were launching VOICE Africa—Birth.
As Aunt Mildred’s life and ministry were remembered, God answered her and
others’ prayer by launching VOICE Africa. Although God has taken one of His
servants home, His work continues from one generation to another. Praise Him!