Photo Corner

 VOICE Philippines

A display of some of the VOICE Philippine modules
A Values Instruction Class (VIC) - also the next five pictures from various places in the Philippines
Does this one make you smile? Despite her obvious age, she is investing into the lives of the young, in this picture teaching the module of Thankfulness.
Happy Values Teachers in Pampanga
Nov. 9 - VOICE Family Thanksgiving Fellowship
A few pictures of churches partnering with the government to conduct programs among the poor, using the VOICE values curriculum. All of these particular ones are held inside the sponsoring church.
VOICE staff teaching university students who will be co-teaching with church volunteers in schools and community programs as a way of earning required community service credits.
One of several Teacher Trainings held since our last blog.

 VOICE Africa

Group picture of those trained at one of the three Jinja locations; each location focused on a different module--this one is Forgivensss
The group at the 2nd location with the Jinja area, who focused on Purity
And the 3rd Jinja location where the module of Self-Control was featured.
The actual training at one of the Jinja trainings
Oct. 31-Nov 1 - Training for students studying at the African Renewal University
Ongoing training at one of the Jinja Trainings
A Values Education Class being taught using the Honesty module
A picture found in the Scripture Union International Publication with no title...but we know this is a puppet Laura left in Uganda who continues to be used!
Group picture of a VOICE Training in Mbale, focused on the Purity module

Training participants how to teach the Purity theme verse which also means singing it
A Values Education Class where God's Word is being read by one of the students
Training participants practicing the actions of one of the songs

Last month, Beth spearheaded the teaching of an entire VOICE module (6 lessons) in 3 days to all of the students in 5 schools that belong to a Christian ministry. (See blog for more information.) She taught Purity to 700+ students in one of the high schools. Here in this picture, she's standing outside of that school.
After each of the six lessons, students completed Activity Sheets which the teachers then had to look over and make comments.
Some of the high school students
Others taught Honesty in the Elementary Schools with grades 3-6 all combined.
Elementary students completing their Activity Sheets
Another elementary combined class being taught Honesty
And yet another Elementary School; this teacher has a handicap but poured herself into those students.
During that 3 day period, most of the teachers bunked together in a dorm room. Every moment that they weren't teaching, they were working on the Activity Sheets...spread all over the floor!
Beth is using this picture of her, her Mom and her adopted daughter, Lisa, as her Christmas greeting.

A Values Class in one of the South Sudan Refugee Camps in northwestern Uganda
Rodrick, one of the Scripture Union Tanzania workers, explaining the Gospel to children by using the evangelistic tract, CrossTalk, which has been translated into Swahili.

Chris, a Scripture Union Uganda worker, delivered to Scripture Union Tanzania the Swahili translation of the training book for using the CrossTalk tract. Here's a group picture of those who were part of the initial training.
Chris (left) introducing the trainees to the VOICE modules of Truth (Kweli in Swahili) and Purity (Usafi)
The trainees with their copy of the CrossTalk to now use to share the Good News with others.

 Pictures from Canada 

Oct. 24 - Laura enjoyed lunch with the pastor and his wife of a church who supports VOICE Africa
Laura with a Filipino mother and her daughter
Oct. 31 - Some Filipinos who came trick or treating at Laura's home
Laura's weekly (usually) Values and Baking/Cooking class continues on; this year it seems to be all girls
And another Values and Baking Class--they made Pavlova!
Laura introduced two Filipinas to the film "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever"
And yet another Values/Baking Class...where they also helped to decorate Laura's tree
Laura's dear Mom...who just loves playing dominoes the old fashioned way (involved math skills)...and often wins!
Laura was invited to Saint John for a birthday party for a gal who used to live in Sussex
Those who joined an earlier Baking/Values class

Pictures from USA

Nov 3 - Joint birthday party in Ruth's apartment--all 3 celebrate birthdays within a 7-day period.
Nov 4 (Ruth's true birthday date) - her brother and his wife came over with an ice cream cake to celebrate
And a bit later, one of Ruth's long time friends had her over for yet another celebration.
Nov. 27 - Both Ruth and Laura traveled to Maine to celebrate American Thanksgiving with one of Ruth's sisters and her family. The day before we both squeezed in a visit with long-time friends.
Playing Five Crowns with my sister and her husband while enjoying popcorn that my brother grew in his garden!
Nov 28 - Thanksgiving morning, one of my sister's sons and his family came early so that we ladies/girls could have a tea party...with real China cups from Canada!
Then we went to the home of another son who hosted the meal. My sister had arranged to make place/name tags with her grandchildren for the meal.
There were 17 of us in all--not everyone can be seen in the picture--quite a delicious spread!
After the meal, my nephew got out a genuine sword and introduced it to his brother's kids!
And Laura brought Ernie to chat with the kids; the excitement was real!
On Ruth's return to New Hampshire, she stopped in for brunch with another sister who son and daughter were also with them.
Dec. 14 - Celebrating my brother's birthday in my apartment with family and friends--10 of us in all.

(Pictures below are from the previous blog)

VOICE Philippines

Praise God! Davao approved the three-way partnership toward improving the quality of morality in this city. The Department of Education, City Government, and Faith Community (churches) agreed to work together and will include various programs including the teaching of values in school classrooms by church volunteers. This picture was taken shortly after the motion was passed; many present were from area churches. What is not yet decided is what curriculum the volunteers will use; we pray they will chose the VOICE curriculum.
Values Classes are ongoing now that school has opened up again. (also next picture)
The new principal of Krus na Ligas Elementary School has welcomed the teaching of values in the classrooms once again. As you may remember the previous principal made it very difficult.
And the partnership with the government to assist in programs to alleviate poverty are also ongoing. VOICE trained volunteers teach some of the values modules as part of the educational aspect for the community. (also next picture)
And the VOICE Trainings are ongoing as well.
San Vincente Elementary School is very close to the VOICE Philippines office and is a long-time recipient of values teaching; praise God the new principal has welcomed it again this year. The bottom pictures are of the volunteer values teachers.

 VOICE Africa

A recent VOICE Training that focused on the Purity module
Another training focused on the value of Purity; this one was held in Entebbe (the area of the airport)
A participant in the Gayaza VOICE training presenting the Values Promise of one of the Self-Control lessons.
Another participant demonstrating the lesson centered on Samson and his lack of self-control.
Group picture of a training held at the Scripture Union Uganda National Office.
Beth with a former Scripture Union staff member's baby. Ruth & Laura attended the parents' wedding and prayed with them for their desire of a child. God has answered and blessed them with two sons!
Beth spent a couple of weeks in Cyprus with her adopted daughter, Lisa (studying in a Cyprus University).
A Scripture Union Tanzania Training focused on Evangelism and especially the use of the CrossTalk tract.
Chris (left), a staff member of Scripture Union Uganda who is now assisting Dickens as missionary to South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Tanzania (Beth's former role), went to Tanzania to help with the above training. The Swahili modules of Truth and Purity are being shown.
Now these newly trained people are ready to use the Swahili translation of the CrossTalk as they reach out to children and teens.

 Pictures from Canada

A new neighbor of Laura's comes from Brazil and recently were blessed with their first child. The mothers of both husband and wife came for a visit and Laura had all of them over for a meal.
Following the Haynes Family reunion, to which Laura came, Ruth returned to Canada with Laura for a couple of weeks. One project accomplished was painting Laura's "baby barn."
Neil, Laura's brother celebrated his 70th birthday while Ruth was there. He lives on and runs the Bonney farm, thus the picture on his cake. His Mom, now 96, is beside him.
A group picture of almost everyone who was at the birthday party.
Mom with her five living children; her youngest is with the Lord.
One of Ruth's primary purposes for the visit was to spend time with the precious lady she also calls "Mom."
Ruth's nephew lives fairly close to Laura and so we squeezed in a meal and visit with them.
Laura once again has a bike and is getting out to enjoy her favorite trail and spot.
September 22 - Laura's sister from the Fredericton area came for a visit with Mom.
October 9 - Co-missionaries from our Philippine days, also now retired, came for a meal and visit with Laura on their way to Prince Edward Island.
October 12 - Laura accepted the kind invitation of Ruth's nephew and family to join them for Canadian Thanksgiving. Other family members were there plus a family from Ukraine.
Mom has been keeping busy with jigsaw puzzles. Ruth called her soon after this picture was taken and Mom finished it while we were chatting on the phone!

Pictures from USA

The David Haynes Family Reunion took place in Brooks, Maine, at a Christian Camp property, August 21-24. Seven of the eight siblings were there plus 80+ additional family members! God gave us beautiful weather, an absence of sickness, and a lively, fun, wonderful time together.
Most days we gathered together for a time of singing (the harmony as we sang the hymns was heavenly!) and listening to various family members share God's Word.
Their wonderful commercial sized kitchen was a busy and fun place. Ruth's sister mixing together cornbread for one of the meals.
The lineup one morning for breakfast.
The teens and a few adults took turns doing the dishes...with such cheerfulness!
Another dish crew
Each family, or group of families, took turns preparing a meal...and turned the kitchen into a busy and fun place.
Ruth's brother working the grill for his families' meal
Four of us five sisters in one picture plus a sister-in-law and niece-in-law.
The chatter and laughter of the dining-room was fun and deafening at times!
There were lots of activities for anyone who wanted to join. One of our younger members  tackled the rock climb "to the cross" at the top. Ruth climbed with him, his Dad and two great nephews who helped both the little guy and their "old aunt." (It's sobering to realize I am now the oldest member of the family!)
Laura was able to join us. And I'm not sure how many pets/dogs were among us--maybe 5?
One morning, a big group climbed (either via the rocks or the dirt trail) to "the cross" and enjoyed a beautiful sunrise.
The camp borders a lovely lake...swimming, canoes, kayaks, and a speed boat were all kept busy.
A niece of Ruth's enjoying a quiet serene moment.
Ruth and Laura joined those who rode the tubes behind the speed boat! Our driver, Ruth's niece in law, was very careful and neither of us got dumped off...but we sure enjoyed the experience! Here Ruth's nephew (the owner of the boat) is getting us situated and giving instructions!
And there we go!
Families enjoyed it as well.
One evening one of Ruth's nephews organized a campfire, especially for s'mores.
Someone also brought some sparklers to add to the fun.
Following the family reunion, on our way to Canada, we stopped for a lovely beach picnic with long-time friends.
Following Ruth's visit with the Bonney family, Laura drove her back to her sister's and we spent an evening with them before parting ways. Ruth's sister and husband challenged us to a Five Crowns games. I forget who won!
Oct. 1-4, Ruth joined her brother and his wife for a camping get-a-way in their camper to a State Park in Vermont. One day the siblings climbed up to the base of Hamilton Falls--quite unique in that it is one huge rock.
A biking/hiking trail (old railroad bed) follows along this river as part of the campground.
One day all 3 of us, with Lily their dog running along side of us, biked for quite a ways and enjoyed a picnic overlooking the river.
Another day the siblings climbed to the top of Bell Mountain, also part of the campground, for a rather spectacular view in several directions.
We enjoyed a lovely fire a couple of nights...and of course, s'mores.
For those of our blog followers who are not from North America, these last two pictures show a tiny bit of the beauty we are enjoying during this season.
This picture is taken from the farm that Ruth grew up on


  1. Love seeing the pictures of your life there. Will be praying for you as you minister to the little ones on Thursday...and look forward to seeing some pictures of their precious faces.

  2. How interesting to see highlights of your travel! We pray for wisdom and discernment for the VOICE ministry in a different context. I'm sure you must often think, "this is the way we did it in the Philippines". May the Lord lead and guide. We're starting to feel like winter is coming--no frost yet, but maybe later this week. Blessings, Jake & Lillian

  3. What a Saviour indeed! I think the banner with the lion and the Lamb is such a cool, tangible reminder to the two of you of the presence of the Lion of Judah

  4. Nice to be able to see some of the process in picture form.

  5. WELL! you ladies are just like don't quit going and going and going.........churning out materials and entertaining and teaching and and and........... SO LOVED hearing about Joyce's new awareness of being special to God. I read it to my sister Christine as she experienced much the same awareness when she was nine and it changed her life too!

  6. Love seeing the pictures. The last one from last week (that looks like a pink blossom having a bad hair day) reminds me of mimosa which I remember from the southern US.

  7. Lovely pictures except for number 4...about which I have one word - YUCK!

  8. MERRY CHRISTMAS Ruth and Laura! Praise God for His indescribable Gift and His goodness in letting us be used to offer that Gift to others.

  9. Your family is such an example of living for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ Ruth. Thank you for sharing it with us through these pictures and comments. Prayers for you as you return to Uganda! Words fail to express what's in our hearts for you at this time. Hugs!

  10. I was wondering if you might get to see Mon. Glad it worked out to get together--before that unexpected medical emergency! We'll be praying for a good recovery.

  11. Love seeing all these pictures. I missed last week's for some reason. Thanks for taking the time to share the beauty of Uganda, the work God is doing through you and the people He has chosen to share your journey.

  12. Great pictures. Fun to share your journey. Laura, you are a very diverse driver...not only can you adjust to driving on either side of the road in various driving conditions, it looks like you'd make a fine boda driver too.
    Praying you are both recovering from jet lag and adjusting to being back in North America.

  13. Such wonderful pictures! They are so wonderful to have and share. Love to see you always seem to find plenty of food to sust ain you in your travels. Happy birthday-belated to you Laura amd your dear Mom. So great to see all your family. Such blessings!!!

  14. AWESOME AWESOME PICTURES!!! What a whirlwind trip. Thank you Lord for all you are accomplishing through it for your glory! Amen!
