Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Two Numbers to Think About


The First Number

in 2024!

According to VOICE Philippines records, coming from the churches’ reports sent to them, during this past calendar year, 4,148 students put their trust in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior as a direct result of being taught Biblical Values in their school classroom. Praise God for such abundant fruit and pray for wisdom and perseverance in following up each profession.

In case, that number makes you uneasy...

  • Stating a number of professions does not necessarily mean that each one was genuine and life-changing—only God knows that. But it does indicate a good direction and for some, true faith.

  • In keeping with VOICE’s commitment to avoid “proselytism,” most of these professions of faith have been made outside the school during followup activities for the values students planned by the sponsoring church, usually held in the church. In such case, on-going followup and discipleship is very doable. Pray with us that more churches will go the 2nd mile to hold followup activities.

And the Second Number


Financial Projects

Between now and the end of June, 2025, we would like to see God bring in the final amounts needed for both of these projects:


  1. Printing of the Self-Control module in Swahili for Tanzania on all three age levels. Many have given sacrificially toward this but when the totals are calculated, we are still $4,000 USD short of the print cost of getting Self-Control printed in Tanzania. 

  2. Translation and printing of the Purity Module in the Amharic language (Ethiopia) on the Secondary level only. At this time, we are also $4,000 USD short of what Scripture Union Ethiopia tells us is needed. A New Hampshire Ladies’ Group gave an initial $1,000 toward this project.


Would you please bring these two projects before the Lord as we trust Him together for His promise of Matthew 18:19:

Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.”

Please share with any prayer groups that you are a part of.


If you sense God’s nudge to give toward either of these two projects, please be sure to designate your desired project:

VOICE Africa, Tanzania/Swahili or
VOICE Africa, Ethiopia/Amharic

Both Canadians and USA can give on line – SEND.Org/give
You will not find either of these projects available in the drop-down boxes (they are too small), but you can give “where most needed” and then in the box at the bottom of that window, please type in one of the two
designations listed above. If you have trouble, email Ruth ( or
Laura (

Or you can mail a cheque, again be sure to add one of the two designation statements above

SEND Canada
1-22423 Jefferies Rd., RR
Komoka, CA N0L 1R0


SEND International
Box 513
Farmington, MI 48332

Both of these projects are only open until the end of June, as per plan.

Thanking you in advance

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