VOICE Philippines
Praise for several new churches and schools that have recently opened for the teaching of Biblical Values especially in Pampanga (northern Luzon). One church has been given the opportunity to teach in 16 classroom every week...and praise God, it seems they have enough volunteer teachers to do that! Quoting from the prayer request sent to us from VOICE Philippines, "If only more churches and more believers see this great Gospel opportunity."
VOICE Philippines is trying a new paradigm as they prepare for a Training in a certain area--The area churches first explore the feasibility of VIC (Values Instruction Classes) in the area schools and once a positive response is found, the training for volunteer teachers ensues. Pray that this will result in a higher percentage of those who are trained to actually put that training into practice.
Another new initiative was the offer of a one-time "True Love Valentines" event. Although the particular time table for that has happened, let's pray that the students will continue to live out decisions they made during that event. Pray that such needed Biblical teaching will purge them from wrong teachings and will inoculate them from lies and deceptions they will surely encounter.
The current VOICE Philippines director, Kuya Jess, is ready to step down/retire. He has a replacement in mind but thus far there has not been full agreement within that person's family and church family for that to happen. Please pray for God's perfect will to be done in His way and in His time.
Pray for additional funds to enable VOICE Philippines to reprint out-of-print Modules.
Praise God for continued opportunities to train church volunteers to use the VOICE modules. The most recent training focused on Honesty and 20 volunteers attended. Please pray that all 20 will now implement this training in nearby school classrooms.
A section of the Anglican Church, Namirembe Diocese, in the Kampala area is working with the VOICE Team to open the way for all of the Anglican schools in that diocese to be taught the VOICE curriculum. This is a great blessing and opportunity; pray for God’s clear leading and ongoing momentum.
The 8th module of VOICE Curriculum, Respect, still has not been test taught on the Lower Primary and Secondary levels, a prerequisite to being able to publish it. Please pray for sufficient volunteers and openings in schools for this needed test teaching to finally move ahead.
Please pray for God’s sufficient funding for the two priority financial projects before the end of June: The printing of Self-Control on all 3 age levels in Swahili for Scripture Union Tanzania ($4,000 USD still needed). Also for the translation and printing of Purity on the Secondary level only in Amharic for Scripture Union Ethiopia ($4,000 USD also needed).
Both Beth Baleke and Dickens Zziwa (who took on Beth’s responsibilities as Scripture Union Missionary to South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Tanzania) have received their USA and Canadian visas and are planning a visit this spring/early summer. For Canadians, Dickens is planning a visit in New Brunswick the last week in April; Beth is planning toward the first half of May. Ask God’s protection and clear leading and to prepare them to be a blessing with those they share with.
Our next SEND Canada Atlantic Concert of Prayer is scheduled for Tuesday, March 18. One of our most faithful attenders and prayers is no long with us. Ask God to encourage those who do join us in praying for world missions.
Please continue to pray for Laura’s Saturday morning, Values & Baking, to the four to six middle school Filipino girls. She is grateful for an assistant for that class, a long-time request.
Ruth thanks those who prayed for her sharing last month; it went well and around $1,000 were given toward the Ethiopia Purity project! Ruth has been fighting the flu for more than 2 weeks now, especially a deep cough. Pray for healing and endurance! All of her usual ministry (Children’s Church, Good News Club, and Kindergarten Chapel) has been put on held for now.
Pray for God’s plan for Ruth and Laura regarding a possible visit to East Africa in later 2025.
Oh my! Lots to pray and praise God for ladies! Thank you for the good update!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Judy! Praying for you too.