Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Puzzle Pieces Possibly Connecting for VEC (Values Education Class) Program in South Sudan

This week we welcomed back our colleague Beth from Nairobi and South Sudan.  Among other huge needs, she continues to trust God for the drilling of a well and construction of an office building for the young Scripture Union (SU) ministry there. 

As we met together for sharing and prayer, Beth expressed her burning desire to help SU of South Sudan incorporate the VEC (Values Education Classes) program this school year (which begins early next month), especially in Juba, the capital. As you may remember, some months ago, the Ministry of Education (government) in Juba gave permission to SU South Sudan to teach the VOICE Curriculum in all Primary and Secondary Schools.  Beth’s excitement bubbled over as she also shared that one of her supporters had just written asking if SU South Sudan needed help to acquire teaching materials! In an almost immediate answer to Beth’s email to South Sudan SU leadership, she learned that the director was about to write to her about his desire to see the VEC (Values Education Class) ministry “take off” in Juba this school year. Of course one of the crucial needs for that to happen is the acquisition of curriculum…especially financially… Join us in prayer that God will connect these pieces so that SU South Sudan can purchase some of the Truth Module printed here to use in the schools of this needy nation. Pray too for reestablishment of peace in South Sudan which, of course, would facilitate much needed stability in the nation.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

God’s Global Family

Don’t you love how God surprises us with meeting new friends in faraway places?  It happened this last week and again today.  A former Philippine missionary couple now have an amazing ministry to International students at Penn State University.  One of the students they connected with is a Christian Ugandan who is working on his PHD. Friday I had the privilege of meeting him and his precious family.  They served me tea in their home and then asked me help them plant a tree!  How precious to fellowship and pray with these new friends.  Earlier today Ruth had a call and I was surprised to hear her speaking some Tagalog.  Anita who called is a Filipino born Canadian and working here in Uganda with the Mailbox Club (Christian literature ministry).  We look forward to meeting this couple face-to-face once our Curriculum deadlines are past. All of this combined with the joy of having two New Brunswick nurses here (laden with many goodies including Dark Harbour dulse for Laura) for several weeks! It gives us a glimpse of what heaven will be like as we meet all of our siblings in Christ! Praise God for His global family.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

New Year Children’s Party Joy

“I will praise you. Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done.  I will be filled with joy because of you.  I will sing praises to your name, O Most High.”  Psalm 9:1,2 NLT

Indeed, it was a moment to connect the children of Uganda and Ruth’s family members who were visiting Africa for the first time.  This was our prayer….Lord help us connect the children with Your love, Your message of salvation, help us to lift up the Lord Jesus….  God answered prayer and brought some 50 children – so many little ones.  Kim, Jenni, Katie, and Britney (Ruth’s nieces) to the rescue! The children almost instantly “fell in love” with these young people and kept their arms and laps busy! Our VOICE staff, Susan, did a superb job of making all the arrangements including cooking the mandazi (type of fried dough), teaching the Bible lesson and being the MC of the program.  The simple craft (brought out by our guests) was a blast – loved by the children.  We were just distributing our small gifts as the sun dipped behind the hills.  O Lord, use our feeble efforts to speak Your truth to these precious little ones, that they may experience your salvation and be filled with joy.
Group picture - sorry the 3 sisters are missing--they were the photographers. Can you see the children holding up their treasured crafts?