Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Let's Celebrate!

Rather than write our own blog, we simply want you to celebrate with us as you read an article written by SEND International. Here's the link:


Tuesday, December 15, 2015


This week has included some wrestling matches between what is seen and what can be seen only by faith--unseen as yet. We continue to believe that we are here in Uganda in the perfect will of God, and our partnership with Scripture Union is also according to His will. But just how the VOICE Africa program will be fully integrated into Scripture Union and how it will be embraced by churches as a school outreach is still quite fuzzy and tenuous. We thought maybe we were making progress…but then again, maybe we’re not!

Such thoughts were filling my mind a couple of mornings ago as I prepared my hot drink. All was quiet; it would be another 20 or 30 minutes before the birds would break out in their exuberant burst of praise that welcomes each day here. And then…could it be? Yes, the unique song of the King Fisher—so unique it cannot be confused with any other bird. I don’t recall ever hearing his song in the morning chorus; it’s usually full day light when he gifts us with his concert of praise maybe once or twice a week when he chooses one of our trees to perch on. I stopped and listened with amazement…and with the realization that what he was doing is what God desires…singing in faith in the dark! Thank you, Mr. King Fisher! I’ll try to follow your example!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Col. 4:17 - “Tell Archippus: ‘See to it that you complete the work you have received in the Lord.’”

I received sad news in an email Thursday night—my friend, Mission Chairman of a supporting church, and champion for missions had been suddenly taken home through a road accident. Earlier that day we also had been dealing with some of the mammoth pile of reports, etc., from while we were gone…and one item had somewhat discouraged us and caused us to once again question…will VOICE truly be sustainable? I didn’t sleep well with so much going through my mind.

Friday, Ruth and I were off at 7:00 a.m. heading to Scripture Union to join their daily one-hour devotional period and then meet with the Administrator to discuss how VOICE might become more a part of SU as they do their 2016 planning. As we rode along, my struggle continued. I was also wrestling with the fact that we still had not been able to begin preparing the Honesty Modules for printing…that sense of being overwhelmed once again was stealing my peace. I struggled to pray. Ruth shot up a silent one, “Lord let us sight You as the Lion of Judah today.” The SU devotions centered around the difference one person can make, King Josiah, and the realization that he came from an ungodly family…which meant some unnamed person had spoken truth into his life and what a difference that person had made. After closing prayer, SU always reviews the memory verse of the week and it was Colossians 4:17, “Tell Archippus: ‘See to it that you complete the work you have received in the Lord.’" As it was recited, Ruth was hit “right between her eyes”—she had sighted the Lion of Judah and heard His word to her. But just in case we may not have heard it, the leader then spontaneously (not knowing anything about our struggles), went on to say, “Ruth and Laura, finish the work God has given you to do.” Suddenly God was there assuring us and helping us to not let the mysteries and trials of life detract us from the work He has given us to do. With renewed encouragement, our meeting that day doubled in length as four of us shared together about the work God was giving us to do in 2016. It also slowly dawned on me…yes, Jay had completed the work God had given him to do, and God took him. Join us in doing all we can to complete the work God has entrusted to us.

(Link on the accident that claimed the life of a supporting Church Missions Chairperson: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/news/kindergarten-teacher-jay-keddy-killed-biking-on-claremont-access-1.3348586) 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Just imagine 14 year old students pleading with their school Principal to be included in the VEC (Values Education Class) program where the value of obedience was being taught! Steve, one of the test teachers, narrated his experience to us last Thursday. He was given one of the three S1 (first year of Secondary School) classes, 50 students, in which to teach the weekly VEC. Students from the other two classes sneaked into his class while we was teaching. They then went to the Principal’s office asking why they couldn’t also be included in VEC. So, the Principal asked Steve to please move to a larger room and teach all three S1 classes—a total of 150 students—obedience! The school even provided an amplifier for him to use! Steve went on to say that when he returned to visit the school following the last lesson, a teacher took him to a classroom, pointed out one boy in the class, and said “That boy caused lots of problems previously, but your teaching about Obedience has transformed him. Thank you.” Praise God with us!