Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Hold the Press

Indeed life has so many variables which become more complex in cross cultural ministry. As we pray “Thy will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven,” we sometimes are brought to those “Selah” moments calling for a pause.This morning was one of those times. 
Following a time of prayer, the four of us with VOICE Africa began to discuss plans for publishing the next module, Forgiveness…a discussion which lasted about two hours as some of the challenges of teaching this value began to emerge. Both of our Ugandan staff grew up in abusive families and have struggled through the journey toward forgiveness. They represent a very high percentage of this population. And as one of our friends frequently says, “children who are hurt grow up to hurt other children.” Only a Biblical understanding and practice of Forgiveness can break the vicious cycle. Forgiveness, in this “Christian” country is a common topic, but many of the beliefs and practices connected to “forgiveness” are unbiblical.
Although the testimonies received following the test teaching of forgiveness more than a year ago clearly showed that the lessons (using God’s Word) were effective and brought about transformation, we feel a need to review and make sure it’s the best it can be before proceeding. We realize again how huge of an issue this is and the need to unpack this Biblical value carefully for maximum understanding—both for the volunteer values teachers as well as the students they teach. We are giving ourselves more time for prayer and also inviting key people to join us for a Forgiveness Consultation which will include a review of the module on each of three age levels. Pray that the volunteers of God’s choice will be available for our Aug. 9 consultation, that they will intentionally prepare themselves by reading through the lessons with both cultural and Biblical lenses, and arrive with practical insights for improvement. We all need God’s wisdom. We are so grateful for your intercession that is backing us as we work toward publishing this module to be taught by many (wounded) values teachers to thousands of (wounded) students throughout East Africa. May God's Spirit using God's Word bring freedom from an unforgiving spirit and bitterness to many souls for His glory.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Passing On the Good News

I wondered just how the somewhat “new” puppet team who primarily have worked in rural areas, would do having three performances with two scripts each for the children’s services at an upscale Kampala Church last Sunday. The day before I had coached them as they practiced and then transported the puppet stage to the church. Asmara, the coordinator, was positive but I wasn’t sure how ready they were. Questions such as “Would the three puppeteers, coordinator, narrator, and sound man arrive on time?”, “Would the equipment to play the song work okay with the sound?” and more filled my mind. All I could do was pray and trust God to use His young servants.

The next day, very soon after the third performance, Asmara called, overflowing with joy. Through their presentation, five children saw their need of a Savior and professed faith in Christ alone! Christian children were also challenged as they learned how to use the CrossTalk. “There are so many pagans in my class at school! Can you give me some extra CrossTalks so I can share at school?” The puppet team just happened to have extra copies and gladly obliged. Yet another child immediately started to share the message of the CrossTalk with his parents. And other children eagerly asked them, “Are you coming back next week?” Each member of the puppet team I talked to were so encouraged…and needless to say, I was too.

Thanks for remembering the puppet team in prayer. Ask God to continue His work in each life and to build their capacity to pass on the Good News in creative ways.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Jesus, Name Above All Names

Can you see the box "God's Offer" in the pile?
Sunday June 26, Scripture Union (SU) trucks, loaded with laborers, Bibles and literature headed to Hoima, 3 hours drive west of Kampala for the annual 10-day Mission. Previous to this day, much preparation, prayer, and fasting were invested. The Mid-West Regional Coordinator and volunteers had contacted more than 100 schools and without exception, they were given permission for Scripture Union to share God’s Word in their schools.
As they reached Hoima, the SU staff joined local volunteers, now some 30 strong, and were divided into six teams. Each team was assigned 3-4 schools a day to visit and a church, home or local facility to sleep in at night. Our own VOICE staff member, Chris, was given the responsibility to drive one of the vehicles and lead one of the teams. 
Earlier today he related how the first day went. Because their schools were quite a distance away, they had to leave before breakfast was served. The lunch hour was spent packing up from one school and heading to the next school…so no lunch either. Once the last presentation was finished, they were rejoicing over what God had done…and eagerly looking forward to dinner as they set out for the 3-hour return drive. Then…in the middle of nowhere, their vehicle broke down at 7:00 p.m.  They prayed and waited for help. Fortunately a boda (motorcycle used for public transportation) came by and one guy jumped on to buy some water and bananas at the nearest village to bring back and share. The SU administrator finally arrived at 10:00 p.m. and towed them to a make-shift garage where the vehicle could be left in a safe place and be repaired at day break. Finally around mid-night they gratefully gathered around for dinner which had been graciously saved for them!
The day started at 5:00 a.m. with team prayer; a few even rose for prayer at 3:00 a.m.  They knew they were in enemy territory; at least two team members succumbed to attacks of malaria, but praise God they recovered. But worse than that was the spiritual battle against a local cult that has confused and deceived hundreds. Resistance was experienced in numbers of schools from teachers and students blinded by false teaching.  But SU Staff armed with the Word of God and prayer, specifically sought out students and teachers trapped in the cult and lovingly shared the truth; some responded and took off the rosary-type necklace with the picture of the man who calls himself god. Meanwhile, other staff members shared the Gospel with the bulk of the students, often using the tract, CrossTalk and sometimes "God's Offer." (We learned that about 50,000 CrossTalks were distributed into the hands of students and teachers during those ten days!) Several thousand “Welcome To God’s Family” follow up tools were also given to those who seemed to be sincere in their desire to follow Christ as Lord and Savior.   
Chris & Joy sharing the CrossTalk

By the end of the ten days, the Gospel had been shared in 120 schools! During the afternoon of the Sunday of the Mission week, the staff held Trainings in several churches for leaders and children/youth workers. Some implemented their training immediately and several new SU Clubs in Primary and Secondary Schools were started the very next day!  Heaven will reveal the souls God brought to His Kingdom.  What a privilege to have a small part (providing the evangelistic tracts) in this huge endeavor of lifting up the Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, and bringing the Good News and hope to so many needy souls. Praise Him!