Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Eager Listeners

When we opened up a time of testimonies for the Scripture Union volunteers who are involved in VOICE ministry, there was no hesitation. Each one was eager to share and their stories revealed eager listeners. Here’s a summary of a few of them:
  • Lynn - In all three classes of my VEC (Values Education Class) with the Primary 3 (grade 3) pupils, once their enthusiastic greeting quiets down, every eye and ear are attentive for all that we have to share. They loved the truth that God made them unique and special and even knows how many hairs are on their heads. [There are 70 or more pupils in each of her three classes.]
  • Geoffrey - Sometimes other classes in the school finish before I finish my VEC. Those pupils immediately come and squeeze their faces through the open windows of my class to listen in. They’ve even learned the songs and sing with us. All of them want to know why VEC isn’t being taught to them.
  • Kapasi - I have about 170 pupils in my VEC and no assistant teacher. But all of the classroom teachers who are available come and sit in the class, help me hold the visuals and distribute and collect the Activity Sheets. They seem to enjoy the lessons just as much as the pupils do. One is now asking if the curriculum can be taught to the children in their church. Some parents brought their child's Activity Sheets to the Head Teacher (Principal) and asked about the class that their child was enjoying so much and in which they were getting such good teaching.
  •  Anthony – I offered to teach VEC to the Lower Primary pupils [Kindergarten – grade 3], but there was such a complaint from those in the Baby and Middle Classes (3 and 4 year olds) that I now teach a second class to them. Of course we can’t do everything, but they are learning the verse and the songs.
A grade 3 VEC

Praise God for eager listeners to God’s Word! Pray that God will greatly increase the number of volunteer VEC teachers.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

An Advocate Needed

As we have studied John 14-17 these weeks in our Bible Study Fellowship (BSF), I have become more aware of the Holy Spirit as my Advocate.  The dictionary defines the word as:

  •         To speak in favor of; recommend
  •         A person who argues for a cause; supporter or defender
  •         A person who pleads in anothers behalf; intercessor

It is almost beyond comprehension that Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords, is the One who pleads on my behalf and intercedes for me. 
With these John 14-17 truths fresh in our hearts, we have agonized with our driver and his wife as they have been dragged to court with the accusation that Irene has stolen millions of shillings from her former workplace.  This court case has weighed heavily on our hearts and drawn us into helping to post bail for Irene (especially since she’s under doctor’s orders for complete bed rest due to a difficult pregnancy).  As these harsh events happened so quickly, our colleague Beth arranged for us to see a godly government official in the legal system.  We praise God for meeting this official and his wife last Friday.  The official promised to review the file and offer his advice before the next court hearing on March 30.  We thank God for His provision of a Heavenly Advocate as well as an earthly one.  Join with us for God’s will to be worked out and for the couple involved to be drawn closer to the Savior.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Babies and More Babies!

According to one article we read recently, Uganda has the youngest population in the world—we’ve read the statistic that the average Ugandan is 14 years old. In our small circle, among the Scripture Union staff members, three babies have been born within the past 3 months. Earlier this week we visited a friend who is into her fifth month of pregnancy…with twins. All of the above mentioned babies have loving families to embrace and nurture them. However, that is not true for many others. Due to war, poverty, rape/immorality, and disease (especially AIDS), far too many of them are unwanted and some are even abandoned and left to die. 
Praise God that here in Kamapa when police find one of these precious abandoned babies, they know where to go—Sanyu Babies Home, which is connected to the largest Protestant domination here. Several years ago, God challenged the hearts of two Canadian (New Brunswick) nurses to help in a practical way by volunteering in this ministry. Since then, they’ve been coming each year to assist the overworked staff, improve the health care with professional advice, provide financial help for many needed items, and simply love the babies. We have enjoyed the interaction and fellowship with these friends each time they visit Uganda.  Yesterday, one of my errands was to deliver cash from these nurses to the Director of the Babies Home; it is designated for the replacement of some worn-out cribs.  As I listened to the Director passionately share their challenge and joy of caring for 52 babies/orphans, I was struck by the similarities between that ministry and the one God has called us to…albeit different.
We have the challenge and joy of caring for the spiritual needs of children and youth who have been abandoned to the teaching/deception of Satan and the media. Although their material needs might be met, their emotional and spiritual needs are often totally neglected. Even though Uganda considers itself a “Christian” nation, the statistics for drunkenness, immorality, and abuse of children are among the worst in the world. What better place to connect with these “abandoned babies” than in their school classrooms…and from there to bring them to Christ and into a Bible-believing church.
Part of our ministry has included the printing of evangelistic tracts which are used in many settings including the schools. In the last couple of days I have been involved in printing the evangelistic CrossTalk tracts for children in the Zande language for use in the South Sudanese Refugee Camps in northern Uganda. Then a request came in from eastern Uganda for several thousand CrossTalks in English; we were informed today by the Scripture Union office that four boxes are ready to be sent on the bus. These tools, including the VOICE Values Curriculum, are all being used in Kingdom work to help bring spiritual life and nurture to the children of Uganda.  We thank God for all who minister physically and spiritually to the precious children of Uganda...and continue to pray for more laborers.