Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Something Happening in Our Neighborhood!

Today after being given an opportunity to briefly promote/remind ladies from our Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) about the opportunity to teach Biblical values in near-by schools and the upcoming trainings, we drove home…in our own car!  How wonderful to have wheels again after a 10-day wait while our car underwent major motor and suspension/chassis repair. 

Once home, I became so engrossed in lunch preparation and debriefing from our BSF that I totally forgot a 2:00 p.m. meeting.  Three staff from the near-by Church of the Resurrection graciously waited for me to join. It was a good time of praying and sharing last minute details regarding “Children’s Sunday” this April 30.  Praise God for this church who is intentional about teaching and reaching children and youth.  Besides giving us the children and message time during all three services this Sunday, they will host a VOICE Training this May 6 and 13 featuring the Honesty Module.  We are praying and planning that volunteers from their church will take over the Primary/Grade 3 Classes at nearby Kiswa Primary (which have been taught by Scripture Union volunteers coming from the other side of the city) and also become involved in at least one Secondary School.  Pray as we endeavor to focus on their chosen theme for the day, Exemplary Leadership. Ask God to use us to stir hearts of potential volunteer values teachers who will commit themselves to attending the training and then to teach the weekly Values Education Class (VEC) ministry in schools.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Thanking God for Another Year of Life

Some months ago I started toying in my mind about doing something special for my April birthday.  My dream came true when we took the April 5, 8:30 a.m. flight to Nairobi and on to Madagascar.  Ruth and I spent a wonderful week of holiday with an AIM missionary friend there who also took a week off to relax and tour around her base in Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar.  Since Malagasy and French are the languages—definitely not English—we were so grateful for her and her fluency!

A couple days after our arrival, we took a fun trip (between 3-4 hours) to the center of the Island where we saw an amazing waterfall plus spend a couple of nights at an incredibly beautiful small lake complete with a smaller version of another waterfall.  Later in the week, we spent the better part of one morning being guided through the Lemur Park where they boast of more than 7 kinds of Lemurs, all of them in their natural habitat—no cages.  These furry monkey-like animals are only found on this Island and are some of the most agile creatures on the planet. We spied five different kinds of lemurs with most of them eating, relaxing, and playing very close to us; in fact they seemed to be oblivious of us. Two or three of those we saw belonged to the category of “dancing lemurs” and didn’t one of them hop to the ground and do several side-ward dance steps on his two back legs as he headed for another tree—very comical but it happened so quickly that no one captured it on camera. Besides unique animals, Madagascar grows 90% of the world’s vanilla beans, an impressive array of spices (including about 4 kinds of black pepper), and a cocoa bean that Switzerland imports for their chocolate.

We took and left three different sets of VOICE curriculum there, but soon realized that our English curriculum could not go too far. However, one set went to a leader in the Children’s Program of an English speaking church. She mentioned that they were nearing the end of their current curriculum and wondered what they would do next. Another set was left with the Scripture Union of Madagascar National Director whom we had the privilege of meeting—he knows some English.

Thanks for your prayers that brought us safely back to Uganda in the wee hours of April 13.  Our driver Fred, was there to meet us and the car got us to within a few feet of our compound gate and then completely died.  We are yet to get our car back from the repair shop but are thankful for the wonderful break, total change, and memorable celebration in Madagascar.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Ladies Arise

Most Tuesdays find Ruth and me in a nearby Kampala suburb, Ntinda, with 150 plus other ladies doing serious Bible Study in the Book of John.  The international group is known as BSF (Bible Study Fellowship).  As we discuss the Word and it’s application in our small groups, the thought has crossed my mind that some of these ladies would make great VEC (Values Education Class) volunteer teachers in the classroom.  Our colleague Beth agreed and a couple of weeks ago made a lunch appointment with the lecturer. Besides expressing appreciation for the blessing BSF has personally been, Beth and I explained the VOICE program to which the lecturer responded, “I love this, what do I need to do to teach?”  She purchased a pack of curriculum and said she would share with some of the ladies.Although we rejoiced with this enthusiastic response, we've been disappointed before with those who express delight in the programme...but never move ahead to the next step.

However, today the next step was taken...and we weren't ready for it! As we arrived, the lecturer asked us to give a short promotion on VOICE at the end of our BSF time...and we didn't even have a set of curriculum to show! Ruth did her best to briefly explain the program...especially encouraging them and their churches to take advantage of the great opportunity Ugandans have to take the Bible into their schools. Fortunately I had brought some fliers which I handed out to interested people as they went out.  AND, even a second step has been taken...a Training is now scheduled at her sister’s school for May 18 and 19!  Praise God for this wonderful opportunity and pray that the ladies of His choice will join the Training to be equipped to teach godly values to precious children in school classrooms.