official farewell with Scripture Union Uganda and our final leadership meeting
with these dear people happened Monday.
It was a time for not a few tears, especially as we sang “Great is Thy
Faithfulness” with the guitar and African drum. Mixed in were also plenty of happy
memories and words of appreciation. Huge
flasks of hot African tea were brought into the Board room plus a beautiful
cake baked by our National Director’s wife.
Testimonies were shared from various ones, including two puppeteers—some
mentioned situations that we had long since forgotten about. The final one to
share, the National Director, chose to end by singing a touching good-bye song as a solo, mixed in with
more tears, and not only from us. Somewhere in the program, our main
artist for the Values project (not a Scripture Union staff member) popped in
carrying two large frames. We soon were each presented with a portrait of
ourselves, drawn by him upon the request of Scripture Union, and the Hebrews
10:6 verse of encouragement. After our fellowship each person added their
signature to the portraits before it was fully framed. We finished with a circle of prayer,
holding hands as we entrusted one another to the Lord...with more tears.
thank God for these past five years that have both stretched and strengthened us
as we’ve worked so closely with Scripture Union Uganda. The ministry is now in
their hands, but we know that ultimately, it’s in the hands of the Lord of the
Harvest, the same One Who called us to Uganda and enabled us to accomplish as
much as did get done. Together with Scripture Union Uganda, we look forward to
see how He will lead the VOICE program forward.
Thank you for being such an intricate part of seeing VOICE Africa birthed and begin to grow through your prayer and
financial support. And thank you for continuing to pray that this strategic
ministry will indeed “be a VOICE in the wilderness” to prepare the way for many
children and youth of East Africa to come to Chris Jesus as their Savior and Lord.