Saturday, August 17, 2019

August, 2019, VOICE Ministry "Lion Sightings" (Praises)

As you may know, this blog, Lion Sightings, was used to highlight ministry (usually) situations where Laura and Ruth saw God, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, at work. Although we are no longer in "full-time cross-cultural" ministry, we plan to continue using this blog to highlight God's ongoing work in both VOICE Philippines and VOICE Africa now being carried on by nationals. Praise God with us for all that He is doing. For updated prayer requests from these ministries, please click the "Prayer Zone" tab (above). Your continued prayer support is much needed and appreciated.

  • During May and June, 2019, God enabled VOICE Philippine Staff, Bevs, Emil, and Raffy, to promote and train volunteers from more than 70 churches in the southern Island of Mindanao including General Santos City, South Cotabato and Northern Mindanao.  
  • Only two of the 81 provinces of the Philippines, both in Mindanao, remain without any VOICE Classes--Sulu and Tawi-tawi!  


  • Volunteer teachers are currently test teaching the new Responsibility Module Upper Primary level.  A debrief meeting was scheduled to happen today, Aug. 17th. 
  • A testimony coming from the Namungona Parents School states that school officials have noticed increased "anger control" among the 200 students who were taught the Self-Control Module.


  • Chris, Beth Baleke’s Assistant, recently traveled to Tanzania to interact with Swahili translator, Christine. She reports that 70% of the Swahili translation of Truth, Forgiveness, and Purity are complete.  
  • A recent gift of $1,000 gift was received and receipted by SEND Canada to go toward this project, translation and printing the three modules on all 3 age levels. 

South Sudan

  • A VOICE Training is taking place currently in Nimule, South Sudan; the VOICE Curriculum was earlier sent to them from Kampala, Uganda.