Monday, December 30, 2019

God’s Generous Children

We both have been “blown away” by the generosity of so many over the past couple of months. Christmas cards, emails, and phone calls have carried news of gifts given toward all of the current projects, including our return visit. Thank you to each one and to God for His encouragement through His children...and to Him be all the glory!

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Tanzania Highlighted

God certainly has been keeping Tanzania foremost in our thoughts these days; we don’t know what He has planned but we are certain He has “something up His sleeve.” When I (Ruth) shared with my home church that the Swahili translation (for use in Tanzania) of three of the VOICE modules on all three age levels was complete, the church broke out in spontaneous applause to God. I was shocked and almost thought I must be back in Africa! What an encouragement and blessing. Then when we look at the donor records from our mission, we shake our heads in amazement that almost $10,000 of the funds needed to publish at least some of those modules is already given. All praise to God!
Earlier this week, Laura made a number of visits in Moncton, New Brunswick, and was floored to hear how two of the couples she visited have very close connections to Tanzania! We knew about one of them, but she learned a lot more about that relationship. In the second home, she was totally surprised to learn that the wife has a brother working in Tanzania as a missionary. Almost that same day, Laura heard from Beth B (our Ugandan colleague who is planning our schedule) that one of the Training of Trainers is being planned for the same place the brother missionary lives! Beth also tells us that a Training is being planned for the island of Zanzibar (a semi-autonomous region of Tanzania), plus probably at least one more Training of Trainers in another place in that fairly large nation. We’ve also recently met at least one, maybe two, who sponsor a child from Tanzania. No, this is no coincidence. Please pray that we will cooperate attentively with God in whatever He is doing...all for His glory.
We’re including a map of East Africa. Zanzibar is the 2nd and largest island from the top along the coast of Tanzania.