Virtually everyone has been affected by the ongoing pandemic; Christian ministries are certainly no exception. But God is not affected and His kingdom continues triumphant over the kingdom of darkness!
As is true in our nations, almost all schools have been closed in East Africa. As you know, the VOICE ministry of teaching Biblical Values is specifically designed for classrooms. But God has led and enabled the VOICE Teams in both Uganda and Tanzania to find other avenues of ministry to and Internet!
A couple of weeks ago, we learned that Jackson, one of the four Scripture Union Tanzanian staff that, earlier this year, we helped to equip, accepted an invitation to share the Forgiveness lessons via radio. Last week, Beth passed on news that Jackson has "many testimonies" of changed lives including the following:
- Sarah, a secondary school girl, used to live with her Aunt and Uncle. When she was 9 years old, her uncle began sexually abusing her. His wife refused to do anything about it and eventually Sarah ran away as a bitter and resentful girl. Her life deteriorated and before long, she was living an immoral life. When she heard the Forgiveness lessons on the radio, she chose to forgive her uncle/aunt and release her revenge to God...and her life has been transformed!
- A Pastor's life was in turmoil. He told Jackson that as a result of hearing the lessons on the radio, his life is changed and he wants Jackson to come and teach the Forgiveness lessons in his are.
Next week, Scripture Union Uganda plans to teach the Biblical values of Purity and Self-Control using Zoom and Google Classroom to those who respond to their invitation. They are offering it on all three age levels. Pray that God will mightily use this effort for His glory.