Saturday, June 18, 2022

Our Well-made Plans...Replaced by God’s Plan

 “In their hearts humans plan their course,
but the Lord establishes their steps.”
Proverbs 16:9

In our previous blog you read our carefully laid out plans for Beth and me (Laura) to make full use of her visit to this part of the continent...but in the end only one of them happened in a slightly altered manner. A couple of days into her visit, I experienced some unwelcome symptoms...and you guessed it, tested positive for COVID-19. Gracious children of God quickly welcomed Beth into their home with the hope that she would escape. Meetings were canceled to everyone’s disappointment. We did one Zoom prayer meeting as a substitute and moved toward Sunday plans minus Laura. But that morning...with no obvious symptoms, Beth tested positive for the required pre-flight test (she had tickets to fly early Monday morning). I, virtually back to full health, brought Beth back to my home and we enjoyed a personal retreat the next day, enjoying God’s creation, reflection hours, and quietness. Prayer times included an urgent plea that Beth could still get to Indiana in time to speak at the Friday funeral of a long-time friend. God answered; she received the required negative reading and flew out early Wednesday morning, two days later than planned...but she made it! Beth has since visited friends and supporters in several USA states and given multiple ministry updates to individuals, small groups, and churches.

Now, Laura is preparing for Beth’s return (June 20) and trusting God for His plans for the next ten days. Pray for strength, a sense of God’s presence, great fellowship and mutual encouragement, and that God will be honored. Lord-willing, Beth will return to Uganda on June 30.