Wednesday, August 16, 2023

“Nuggets” from Communication with VOICE Philippines and Africa

VOICE Philippines

  • One school in southern Philippines asked VOICE to address their students, 14 of whom were pregnant, in the area of morality. VOICE staff/volunteers taught the module “True Love” which covers God’s standard of sex/morality and it was well received!

  • A good number of churches indicated they are planning to either continue, restart, or start for the first time to teach Biblical Values in schools. One (Quezon City) in three schools, another (also Quezon City) to grades 8-10, another (Samar Island) is targeting 10 schools and reports that many area pastors want to be involved!

  • One church in Negros Occidental completed their first year of teaching Godly Values in a high school and reported that during the Closing Recognition Ceremony, the Principal also awarded the VOICE Certificates of Completion to qualifying students! The pastor added a prayer request for more volunteers since many other area schools want Godly Values to be taught to their students!

VOICE Africa

  • The Biblical value of Honesty is being taught in a Primary School and the teacher reported that 3 Muslim students had given their lives to Jesus!

  • Comments/remarks (paraphrased) from some who have recently attended a VOICE Training:

    • "The training really changed the way I teach children both in my school and church."

    • "During the training, I was convicted of my low view of children and wrong attitude and so I asked for God’s forgiveness. I also need His help to develop a Christ-honoring view of children as I continue to teach."

    • "I now realize that it is my God-given duty to teach the young generation about the good values."

    • I love the fact that I have been challenged not only to reach out to children that come to church but also children in my neighborhood."