The September VOICE Africa Report had several news items that made our heart rejoice and perhaps will do that for you too, as our prayer partners:
VOICE Africa has a new Scripture Union Uganda volunteers on their team—Jackline!
Upon the invitation of a church/school in Nsambya, southern Kampala, some of the VOICE Africa team went to conduct a one-day conference focused on Moral Purity attended by 150 teens. The administration explained that their community was particularly wracked by immorality. Using the Purity Module, the team shared God’s loving and wise plan for sex as well as His warnings of dire consequences if ignored. The Gospel was also shared to which 87 teens responded by making a profession to trust Christ as Savior. The VOICE team is asking prayer for the administration as they followup these professions and also plan/prepare for ongoing/weekly Biblical values instruction.
(During our time in Uganda, without doubt, the most memorable testimonies of impact came following the teaching of the Forgiveness Module. Here’s one that happened recently.)
Joy, one of 25 participants in the early September VOICE Training which focused on the module of forgiveness, was assigned, as are all participants, a lesson to demonstrate the following/second day of the training. As she was sharing the content of that lesson, she broke down in tears and loud wails, confessing to those in her small group, “I have long held a bitter grudge against my stepmother for her cruel treatment of me and my siblings during childhood.” She was now choosing to obey God’s command to forgive. As evidence of change, she promised to visit her stepmother the following weekend and reconcile with her.