Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A Trip to the Principal’s Office…to find Eternal Life!

Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not your hands be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well.
Ecclesiastes 11:6
If you’ve been a regular reader of this blog, the CrossTalk tracts have been mentioned somewhat frequently. We praise God that the producers, EvanTell in Texas, were interested in doing a Sub-Sahara version for use especially by Scripture Union Uganda staff. Little by little, staff members are beginning to use it and are finding it effective.
From the very beginning, our Ugandan co-worker, Beth, has been zealous in sharing this tool with others.  After teaching the 6th and final lesson of the Truth module, which is a Gospel presentation, she felt her pupils would benefit from hearing the Gospel explained in yet another way using the CrossTalk tracts. But she knew that out of loyalty and love for her, if she asked for a public indication of readiness to trust Christ as Savior, almost all if not all would respond even though they maybe were not yet prepared by the Holy Spirit. So, she got permission from the Head Teacher/Principal to use his office as a place to talk with interested students one-on-one. As a class, she went through the tract with them. As expected, most of the students wanted to talk with her personally and so each took their turn to come to the Principal’s office. Unfortunately time ran out—darkness was falling--so Beth plans to return to give other students that same opportunity. But of the 21 students she counseled and prayed with, 12 made professions of trusting Christ as their personal Savior right there in the Principal’s office. Others said they had trusted Christ the previous Sunday at the evangelical church near the school and several indicated they were saved but were lacking assurance. One Muslim girl said with tears running down her face that she wanted to know more about Jesus. Praise God for His amazing work as God’s Word and His love are shared!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing to see how God is growing the fruit as a result of your faithfulness in sowing the seed. How exciting!
