Tuesday, June 24, 2014

God Has a Good Plan

Just after dawn this morning, three of us headed to the other side of the city with the aim to join Scripture Union for their morning devotions (8 AM). With a heart-felt prayer of thanks for safety through all the “jams”. Following singing from the Chorus Book with the drums, we had a great discussion in the Book of Ezekiel, and then a time of prayer—oh how we enjoy their daily devotional time. 
Joanne with Laura, showing the visual
of the Nelson Mandela story
While chatting with various staff, I asked Joanne how her test teaching of the Truth Module was going with her Primary 5 Class at Mengo School. A big smile lit up her face as she described the hope she felt from the children as she told the story of Nelson Mandela. “They all got so quiet as we discussed the truth that God has a good plan for each of us.” “Have you seen any changes in your students?” I asked. Quickly, she shared, “Yes, there is a big difference from the first class I taught when I struggled to get their attention…now they so look forward to my class.” What a joy to see Joanne’s enthusiasm and love for the children. Praise God for the amazing door He is opening for volunteers to reach into the lives of students in the school classrooms with God’s love and truth.  Thank you for your part in what God is doing here!

1 comment:

  1. Great 'sighting' by Joanne...........so happy for her and for you both as you see 'much fruit' in that vineyard already! Have a super great time in the Philippines. <3
