Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The House Exchange

Our master-mind God never fails to amaze us with His ways! As you may know, God used two of our Canadian missionary friends in the Philippines to connect us (albeit a bit indirectly) with Uganda. People from their ministry continue to spend several months in Uganda serving on behalf of children at risk and they make their base about 2 hours east of us.
As you know, about two months ago, we were startled to learn that Laura’s book, The Forbidden Book, was being published and would be launched. We made plans to return, driven in part by the desire to visit our two VOICE Philippine co-workers who were battling cancer. Meanwhile our friends confirmed their dates for Ugandan ministry and we were a bit chagrined to realize that our Philippine trip would happen while they were here in Uganda. Once they knew we were coming to the Philippines, they asked a couple they know well who are currently in Canada if we could stay in their home…and an invitation was generously extended.
Before we left for the Philippines, our friend and a Filipino coworker spent a night with us and some plans were made for them to use our house a couple of nights before we returned to Uganda. Once we were in the Philippines, it became evident that they needed the use of our house for a longer time, not only for them but a doctor's family (5 Filipinos) who were serving with them for a short time! As it turns out, our home became a “refuge’ for our friend to do some unexpected and urgent written communication work! So while we enjoyed the use of the house they arranged for us in the Philippines, they enjoyed the use (and quietness) of our house in Uganda. To top it off, they met us at the Entebbe airport (another coworker of theirs arrived about 30 minutes before we did on another flight!) and brought us back “home” while they continued on to their base further east. Who could figure all that out but God!


  1. Just love to see the 'MASTER CONTROLLER' at work in our lives! WOO! HOO!

  2. I picture God mischieviously snickering as He watches us discover the unfolding of His amazing detailed plans. Isn't He awesome!!

  3. What a great provision at both ends! Praise God for his goodness & provision.
