Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Lifting Up to the Throne of God

Early Sunday morning, I woke thinking about the priority God’s work must have and how we need to keep moving forward. As I opened my Bible to do the Bible Study Fellowship lesson for the day, I was struck by the Exodus 17:8-16 passage and the startling reminder that the Kingdom work we are involved is a battle and prayer is a critical need. In the study Bible I was using I read the following “Aaron and Hur stood by Moses’ side and help up his arms to ensure victory against Amalek. We need to “lift up the hands” of [others]…shouldering some responsibility, lending a word of encouragement, or offering prayer are ways of refreshing [others] in their work.” We are fully convinced that the progress we have seen is directly traceable to the many, like you, who are holding up arms of prayer and intercession on our behalf. It’s a good reminder to us, as well, of the vital aspect prayer must have in our own lives as we press on to expand and strengthen God’s kingdom here in East Africa and beyond.
Not only has God provided prayer partners, we’re also thankful for others who have come to our assistance in other ways. Filipino colleagues have done the Cover designs, some art work, and proof reading all sent around the globe digitally!  Earlier last week a dinner guest returned the following day informing Ruth that God had put the ministry of reaching students in schools on her heart and she and her husband were donating $200 to the work. 
What a humbling affirmation from our Jehovah Jirah these weeks as I have carried millions of Uganda Shillings (equivalent to thousands of U.S. dollars) to printers on Nasser Road (where most of Kampala’s printing is done). God has protected and allowed us to negotiate good prices as we have purchased paper, plates, film, sorters of Activity Sheets, and packaging for the Truth Modules we are printing.  Thanks for your part as we trust God together for a quality product and effective tool for volunteers to reach precious children in and out of classrooms here in Uganda and beyond. Don’t stop. Help us this week by lifting up hands in intercession and prayer to the throne of the Lord as the battle for children and youth continues on.

1 comment:

  1. I sense your arms are weary. Yes, you are being held up in prayer.
    "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak." (Isaiah 40:29)
