Tuesday, June 30, 2015

“Do not weep…” Rev. 5:5

While many throughout the world celebrated this past weekend the US Supreme Court Ruling, we grieved the downward spiral of these evil days. That heartache continued when we heard of the tragedy in Taipei and how fire rained down upon the gay celebrators. Certainly our Lord’s coming is not far away!
However, today at Scripture Union (SU) as we worshiped God with the four African drums, I was reminded that God is still on the throne and He will have the last word. Following that hour in God’s Word and prayer, I chatted about several matters with various SU staff, and then joined Martha and the VOICE volunteers to catch up with their worlds. Most of those present were finishing up the test teaching of the module on Moral Purity—how ironic. I was ‘proud of God’ as I heard volunteer after volunteer share of God’s working as they have test taught.
I especially sat spellbound as Steve shared that the teachers of the Secondary Boarding School where he is test teaching sit in on his S-5 (Secondary 5, equivalent to grade 12) VEC (Values Education Class). After teaching one of the Purity lessons, an older classroom teacher stood up and spoke to the students, “if only I had this teaching when I was your age, it would have saved my life from so much grief. Listen and heed what these Values teachers are saying.” Tears overflowed as I recalled that those were the exact same words spoken to us by Bosco back when God first stirred our hearts for Uganda while we were still very much engaged in VOICE Philippines. The decision to leave the Philippines and answer Bosco’s plea (really, the Lord’s leading) to come and help establish the teaching of Biblical values in the schools of Uganda was not an easy one. But if I ever had any doubt that we made the right decision, today would have erased them. Steve was not finished yet. “The Purity module is impacting many students. One of the ‘bad girls’ of the class has shifted from the back to the front row and is now one of our biggest fans; she keeps telling the class ‘this is the truth.’” He went on to say that he and his assistant teacher debrief after every class with a Christian teacher, referred to as a Matron, who sits in on the class. The Matron thanked them for being like Aaron and Hur for her--holding up her hands before God as she works with these students and tries to point them to Christ. Due to such intense interest and so many questions, Steve persuaded several others from SU to return to the school last Sunday afternoon to counsel interested students. He reported that the students queued up in a long line to talk one-on-one with the SU people. And if all that is not exciting enough yet, at the close of the sixth and final lesson, a Gospel Presentation, two students gave their lives to Christ!
Praise God for allowing us to see that the Lion of Judah is indeed at work. The work we are engaged in and that you pray for is indeed being used of God. Let us pray in these days when the enemy has come in like a flood that the Spirit of God will indeed triumph and we will see many more transformations of precious lives for God’s glory.


  1. Praise God that He showed you a tiny glimpse of the fruit of your labor there ladies!

  2. Satan's "victories" get so much press. It is encouraging and refreshing to read Lionsightings and be reminded of Who the ultimate Victor is.
