Tuesday, October 6, 2015

YES! God Answered!

Did you hear our shout of praise last week?? God graciously allowed our Ugandan colleague, Beth, to Skype us with good news. Last week she received an email from a U.S. foundation stating that they favorably reviewed our application for funding to cover the publication of three modules, as well as provide a significant number of published modules for Scripture Union of South Sudan to use. What an answer to prayer! God’s timing is always perfect. Now that six modules have been (or are being) test taught, we sensed it was time to stop test teaching for the next year and focus on publishing…but that would be impossible without funding…now it is possible, perhaps 3 of the 5 modules.We praise God for this encouragement and enablement.

Another praise is God's supply of increased monthly support for both Laura and Ruth. We continue to trust Him for the rest...in His time. Praise God for His provision and affirmation.

1 comment:

  1. Praise God indeed! Great news. The Lord of the harvest is faithful.
