Tuesday, March 29, 2016

While We Ate Pizza…

When Jude, a Scripture Union Uganda staff member, asked me to help lead an upcoming Puppet Construction workshop, I suggested he choose one or two volunteers to purchase the materials and actually make a sample puppet from a pattern we have. Hellen was his choice and so on March 24 we met at the well known uptown “Nandos.” I arrived, burdened down with puppet patterns, prayer letters, and other letters I hoped to write before walking to the Post Office following lunch. Among the letters to be written and mailed was a birthday card for my first co-worker, Mary.

I ordered pizza, Hellen arrived, and our chatting soon turned from her family to her struggle as a newly graduated Med Tech to get a job. Before long, Hellen confessed that the day before had been difficult for her—it had been her birthday but and it had passed without much celebration. She lamented that at 22, life didn’t look very promising and a job in her field (or any field for that matter) looked almost impossible.
“Did you say you turned 22?” I pondered a moment as I fingered Mary’s card and slid the card from the envelope. “Let me tell you how faithful God has been. When I turned 22, so many years ago, I met this person Mary, to whom this card is going. She became my co-worker and helped me get started in the work God had for me…and here we are all these years later celebrating God’s faithfulness.” I read the front of the birthday card, a quote from Max Lucado: “You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted, and lovingly positioned on this earth by the Master Craftsman.” Tears came to Helen’s eyes and she managed to sputter, “I love this…. This is like our devotion the other Saturday during Puppet Practice, Psalm 139.” Right there as we finished our pizza, we shared a God moment. Although generations apart, God’s faithfulness and care knit our hearts to His. Yes, Hellen and I eventually got to puppets, patterns, and materials, but the best thing was those moments at Nandos when God sat with us.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The “Lion of Judah” in the “Lion’s Den”

This past week one of our prayer supporters inadvertently referred to our Lion Sighting blog as the Lion’s Den. We chucked at the mix-up but also commented that the Lion of Judah often operates in the lion’s dens of this world, showing His power and majesty while protecting His own and drawing others into His family.

The Values Education Class  (VEC) of Chris, one of our VOICE staff, is a good example. Since he is becoming more involved in training, we suggested that he seek an opportunity to teach a VEC in a school near to where he lives. Such experience will help him share more knowledgeably to those he explains the ministry to as well as in the trainings. Little did we know what kind of experience God had in mind.

Chris took up the challenge and sought a church that would partner with him in the neighborhood. Pastor Theo joined him and they visited two schools in their area. Both were “positive” but had reasons why they couldn’t give them a weekly schedule right away. So they went on to a third near-by school which neither of them knew anything about. They were met by the Director of Studies and soon learned his name…an M name. It was then that Chris began to notice the holy book of that religion prominently displayed in various places; he later learned that the school was founded by that religion. After Chris explained the program, showed the curriculum, and gave him a Scope and Sequence of the Obedience module, he seemed open but also somewhat hesitant. Chris correctly guessed that he assumed there would be payment expected from the school for such services. As soon as he learned it was a free service, he immediately turned to their time table on the wall and gave them the P5 (grade 5) class to teach and a day and time!

When Chris and the pastor returned the following day to deliver a formal letter of request for permission, they met the Head Teacher (principal). She quickly revealed that she was a Christian and viewed her position as a strategic opportunity to be salt and light in the school. But she also expressed deep disappointment with “Christians” in the community. “The other religion pays workers to go to the schools and teach their doctrine—where are the Christians? You are a great answer to prayer—finally some Christians that care and are available to shine for Jesus and teach truth to the pupils.”

The Director of Studies joined them again and announced that he wanted both the P5 and P6 pupils to be taught and he wanted it to be taught twice a week, starting that very day. He changed the time slot to be a class during which pupils can decide if they want to be taught about Christianity or the other religion.

Unfortunately Pastor Theo backed out with the excuse being that language/English was a problem. But Chris, with his trust in the Lord, went ahead with his 62 pupils…about half calling themselves Christians. At first some from the other religion left the class but when they heard singing, they returned, stayed, and joined the 2nd class from beginning to end! Chris taught again today but so far we don’t have an update…stay tuned!

Praise our God that He is unhindered in His relentless desire that all men come to repentance and be saved. As you pray for much lasting fruit from this unique VEC, please also pray that a church in that area will partner with Chris and that God will open their eyes to the huge potential of such a weekly ministry.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A Hot Day in March

While seeking shade on a hot afternoon last week at Scripture Union, I decided to sit at reception, a small building whose front side has no wall thus totally open to catch any breeze there might be. It’s also a good place to see who’s coming and going and I hoped to chat with a few Scripture Union people I hadn’t seen in a while. As I joined conversation with a couple of people a lady walked in through the gate and over the dirt and crushed stone, gratefully reaching the shade of reception and a comfortable chair. She introduced herself as Florence and explained that she had come to see Junior, the Central Junior Scripture Union Coordinator. As we chatted together, I discovered she was a retired school teacher and was interested in volunteering to reach students in schools. In response to my inquiry if she had ever heard of Scripture Union`s Values program called VOICE, she said “no” but wanted to hear more. We shared together for some minutes before I escorted her to Junior’s office in another building explaining to Junior that we had already discussed some of the VOICE program.

After checking on progress in the VOICE storage room and finding Fred, our driver who also is a huge help with stocking and arranging the VOICE storage room, happily packing the Honesty Secondary Learner’s Packs away, I returned again to Reception. This time another woman I did not recognize was enjoying the shade. Soon, I learned she was also an educator who wanted to use her profession to make an eternal difference in pupils’ lives. Harriet serves as the Head Teacher (principal) of Kauma Primary School on the little Island of Zzinga in Lake Victoria. A friend had directed her to the Scripture Union office where she was hoping to find some spiritual input to give to her students. I was again only too happy to share the VOICE program of teaching Values to students in schools. Before she left she had a Lower Primary copy of Truth and an Upper Primary copy of Honesty tucked under her arms. Although the heat of the day was still oppressive, my “chance encounters” caused fresh strength as I pondered God's amazing love and plan for students in schools.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

God Certainly Works “Outside the Box”

We as SEND missionaries—a mission that doesn’t work in Africa—are in that out-of-the-box category! And the more we observe God at work, the clearer it becomes that He specializes in doing things we might describe as “outside the box”—not in a way that we would plan or expect to happen. Last Sunday, we had totally unconnected conversations with three different people and each one highlighted this specialty of God!

Our first was with a missionary couple from another mission who have had some puppet experience and have been desirous to see that method used here in Uganda. When Laura shared what is happening with the Scripture Union puppet team she’s working with, their eyes lit up and they agreed to come to the next puppet meeting this Saturday. Their contribution (among others) is exactly one of the biggest needs—help with coming up with scripts and music! Not exactly something that we could plan…but one of God’s out-of-the-box ways!

Second was with our day guard—whose own salvation is somewhat questionable although he has heard the Gospel on a number of occasions. Earlier in the day he asked for transportation money to enable him to go to his village for a funeral of an uncle. Laura decided—no doubt a thought from God—to provide that need but with the agreement that he would take and distribute 125 God’s Offer tracts to his family and mourners. Upon his return that evening, he was glowing—“I have given them all out, people kept asking, one requested 25 to share with her family.Hmmm…that’s a rather out-of-the-box way to evangelize!

And third was by phone with one of guys, Steve, on the Puppet Team. He and others had gone to help lead a Scripture Union Uganda Exodus Camp, especially for students who finished secondary school and are waiting to begin college/university—a 9-month wait here. They used puppets and also trained them to make sock puppets which the campers loved…but that wasn’t the highlight. They also took the Honesty module, Secondary level, to use as part of the teaching sessions. They only taught the first 3 lessons but Steve said the results were phenomenal as campers were convicted of acts of dishonesty that have been part of their lives.  When campers shared their highlights of camp, the vast majority testified of the impact of the honesty lessons.  Steve went on to say that a number of these teens volunteered to teach the curriculum in schools during these months of waiting! Although Laura was the one on the phone, I was close enough so that I could hear…and I immediately dropped my head in shame and worship and exclaimed out loud to God…"You will do it Your way, won’t You?" What an amazing God we serve!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

What Deeds Will Follow Us?

Today Ruth and I were privileged to attend BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) with our helper Dorcus. As you may know, it is an international program helping people to seriously study God’s Word. This year the 30-week study is on the book of Revelation; we studied Rev. 15 and 16 in preparation for today's Bible Study. Each day this past week we read those chapters and answered guide questions about what we had read. Then during the weekly 2-hour study, we discussed our answers in small groups, listened to an inspiring lecture on those chapters, and then were given a set of notes to read/study which serve both as a commentary and as application…plus the questions to answer in preparation for next week. Add to this singing hymns with the whole group of usually more than 150 women and you have a picture of our Tuesday mornings. This morning, in my small group, I shared the part from the previous notes which was especially meaningful to me, “As you think of the ways you spend your time, energy and money, what deeds will follow you when your life is over?”

A couple of days ago I received an email from another “Laura” in Canada, with news that God had taken a dear servant of His home. Although our friend was a businessman, he traveled the globe and hilariously used his resources in Kingdom work. He even visited the Philippines one time and my short interaction with him remains a dear memory. He and his wife were at the very last meeting we spoke at in Canada before returning to Uganda…and yes, he gave us a generous donation. I can imagine a few days ago many Kingdom returns from his investments have welcomed Him as He entered the presence of the Lord. As I have been the beneficiary of the generosity of this brother, may I also invest my resources in the many opportunities and needs surrounding us. Our deeds will follow us (Rev. 14:13)—may they be ones that will bring glory to our God and Savior.