A Hot Day in March
While seeking shade on a hot afternoon last week at
Scripture Union, I decided to sit at reception, a small building whose front
side has no wall thus totally open to catch any breeze there might be. It’s
also a good place to see who’s coming and going and I hoped to chat with a few
Scripture Union people I hadn’t seen in a while. As I joined conversation with
a couple of people a lady walked in through the gate and over the dirt and
crushed stone, gratefully reaching the shade of reception and a comfortable
chair. She introduced herself as Florence and explained that she had come to
see Junior, the Central Junior Scripture Union Coordinator. As we chatted
together, I discovered she was a retired school teacher and was interested in
volunteering to reach students in schools. In response to my inquiry if she had
ever heard of Scripture Union`s Values program called VOICE, she said “no” but
wanted to hear more. We shared together for some minutes before I escorted her
to Junior’s office in another building explaining to Junior that we had already
discussed some of the VOICE program.
After checking on progress in the VOICE storage room
and finding Fred, our driver who also is a huge help with stocking and
arranging the VOICE storage room, happily packing the Honesty Secondary
Learner’s Packs away, I returned again to Reception. This time another woman I
did not recognize was enjoying the shade. Soon, I learned she was also an
educator who wanted to use her profession to make an eternal difference in
pupils’ lives. Harriet serves as the Head Teacher (principal) of Kauma Primary
School on the little Island of Zzinga in Lake Victoria. A friend had directed
her to the Scripture Union office where she was hoping to find some spiritual
input to give to her students. I was again only too happy to share the VOICE
program of teaching Values to students in schools. Before she left she had a
Lower Primary copy of Truth and an Upper Primary copy of Honesty tucked under her arms. Although
the heat of the day was still oppressive, my “chance encounters” caused fresh strength as I pondered God's amazing love and plan for students in schools.
👍Praise God!