This past Sunday our first VOICE
Africa staff, Susan, joined us for lunch and then four of us made our way to a
nearby private primary school walking distance away. This was the school where Susan test taught
the modules of Honesty and Forgiveness two years ago to the then 5th
graders. Now, they are at the end of
their last year of Primary School with two full days of intense exams facing
them this week. Following the exams, the students begin their P7 long break which
lasts until the test scores are released sometime toward the end of January.
They then can register in a Secondary School that will accept them based on the
exam scores. Just before these high-pressured exams begin, the school puts on a
P7 Party. Susan was invited to return for this party in order to say “farewell”
to the students she taught. She was given a warm welcome back and we also, as
visitors, were ushered to front row seats.
There was music, singing, and dancing as the staff and fellow students
celebrated their achievement. Susan was
given time to share; she read Psalm 1 and then led us in a powerful time of
intercession for the 154 graduating Primary 7’s. We gave each student a forgiveness bookmark
and a Scripture booklet.
That was thrilling enough, but there
was more. We were deeply encouraged to hear this class described as the best
disciplined of all; Susan was given that class two years ago with the comment
that they were the worst class and thus needed the values the most! We learned
that a Junior Scripture Union Club had begun as a result of the values
teaching. Also we were urged to provide Biblical values teachers for their
students next year and also to conduct another In Service Training for the
staff of the school—an initial one was done also as a result of the values
teaching. I was so delighted to see the
Patron (school staff assigned by school as Counselor and Spiritual Advisor)
passing out certificates for The Mailbox Club, a Bible correspondence course. Certainly
the door is wide open...but where are the laborers—volunteer values teachers? Pray
with us that we can identify a near-by church to take advantage of the
opportunity to, by God's grace, turn the "worst" to the "best" for the glory of God and eternally influence students right here in our neighbourhood.
Wow! Amazing opportunities. Amazing results.