No one would choose to live in a Refugee Camp; those
who live there have no other option. Since war broke out in South Sudan over
two years ago, about 925,000 refugees have fled to northern Uganda, with more
being added each day. One of the eight over-crowded camps is called Rhino
Refugee Camp. Among the thousands there are pastors and Christian workers
including Scripture Union of South Sudan volunteers, many of them from a town
called Yei. Beth, our friend, is a Scripture Union of Uganda missionary to
South Sudan and Ethiopia. She and the National Director of Scripture Union of
South Sudan (who has chosen to remain in Juba) have agonized in prayer over the
situation and sought God’s leading for how to bring truth, hope, and love to these
many displaced people.
Little did we know last October and November, 2016, as
the Forgiveness module came off the press, that one of the first places where
the module would be taught would be in the Rhino Refugee Camp. In early
December VOICE Africa staff Chris accompanied Scripture Union staff Dennis to conduct
a four-day training for 20 South Sudanese Christian workers living in three of
the ten settlements within the camp. Twelve boxes of Forgiveness Curriculum,
paid for by a foundation, went with them. These 20 were trained to teach this
module to children and youth…which make up the largest percentage of each camp.
The dates were set for the Scripture Union Conference—the 28th – 31st
of December.
On the 27th of December, despite the fact
that his wife was expecting “any day,” Chris and another Scripture Union
volunteer, Gloria, made the 350 kilometer (217 miles) trip, which takes 12
hours under the best circumstances, loaded with Bibles, soap, jerry cans, used
clothes and shoes, and more. After an overnight in Arua, they purchased beans,
rice, poshu (corn porridge), and sugar before setting out for the three hour
drive (about 30 kilometers or 19 miles over horrible roads) to a Primary School
in the Rhino Camp. This became the Team’s Base from which the non-residential
conference was conducted; Chris and other workers from outside the refugee camp
slept in the school. Food was cooked in huge pots and dozens of plastic jerry
cans were filled with water drawn from a “bore hole” (around one kilometer away)
around midnight each night due to the many who lined up for that water during
the day. About 250 children, youth and adults (which they were not expecting) came
the first day; the number swelled to 560 by the last day (or at least they
stopped counting then).
Gloria, Chris’ companion from Kampala, experienced
real culture shock as she adjusted to her surroundings. But eventually, she
began to reach out to the children and youth. One day she determined to get a
group of young teens to laugh—something she noticed they did little of. She
succeeded…except for one 14 year-old boy. She prayerfully sought an opportunity
to find out his story…but she wasn’t prepared for what she learned. Somehow, as
bullets flew some months ago in his town of Yei, he was separated from his
parents and ended up alone in his home. Neighbours took pity and brought the
boy with them as they escaped and fled into Uganda. However, after weeks of
harsh survival of the fittest, his rescuers started abusing him. Hatred filled
the boy’s heart, so much that he had made plans to murder the entire family. Gloria
discussed with him what he was learning during the Conference—forgiveness is a
command, is possible through God’s power, and will set you free from anger and
bitterness. Praise God that he chose to forgive…and release his murderous
plans. Chris learned of another 14-year old girl, mother of a 2-month old baby,
who didn’t know if the baby’s father was dead or alive. An uncle had found her
in the refugee camp and had been increasingly threatening to rape her that she also had secret plans to murder him…but was set
free by forgiveness. (We pray that someone has stepped in to protect both of
these 14-year olds from their abusive situations.)
Praise God for His Calvary love and ability to reach
needy Sudanese who have lost so much: their loved ones, homes, crops,
livelihood, not to mention their significance and security. Thank you for all
who pray and give to see the Biblical Values Curriculum contextualized,
printed, and put into the hands of trained Christians to use in
their communities…even when their community happens to be a Refugee Camp.