Monday, January 2, 2017

Philippine Friends Celebrating in Africa

Although we have found great joy in the ministry God has given to us here in Uganda, we have grieved leaving behind friends and meaningful relationships formed during our years in the Philippines. Our first three Christmas celebrations here in Uganda were “fine” and unique but we missed the richness that long-time friends bring. Little did we know that God has a special surprise for our 4th Christmas here! 

Several months ago, a loud and jubilant shout of joy exploded when we read that our two long-time friends, Lorrie and Joke, (originally from western Canada) had decided to extend their annual ministry time in Uganda and were asking if they could celebrate Christmas with us!! In our excitement, we also reminded each other than we must reform and truly take time to celebrate this year…actually do more decorating and wrap gifts, etc. which we had somewhat neglected since it’s not so much part of the culture here…and we just didn’t have too many friends to celebrate with.
Our keen expectations were exceeded! The six days together were indeed precious and we packed in a concert, Kampala hotel breakfast, craft market shopping, Christmas morning worship, popcorn and a movie, and just lots of chatting.  We feasted on great food, discussed east and west culture, enjoyed learning ribbon tying from an expert, made French fries together, and more... all interspersed with laughter and prayer. Mixed in were some “ministry related” discussions, once again being able to draw on their expertise in such areas as evaluation and planning. As we waved “farewell” to them at the airport, we both commented to each other that this Christmas would be one not soon forgotten…and thanked God for His rich blessing. What a joy to connect our two worlds—Philippines and Uganda—in our African home.


  1. Thanks for sharing this glimpse of your Christmas and your joy of sharing it with old friends. Loved the fun pictures.
    So glad you allowed yourselves the time to truly enjoy the Christmas experience and the blessings of your friendships.
    Praying for you in the busy days ahead.

  2. Can't believe this was your 4th Christmas there! May God continue to bless you and the work there! <3

  3. I can only imagine the fun you all had together with Joke and Lorrie! Love that the Lord allows those sweet memories from past and present to mingle. Though I love being with family in the states, there is not much to compare to the festival atmosphere that is Christmas in the Philippines!
