Little did I realize several years ago while attending an EvanTell training in the Philippines on how to use their evangelistic tract, CrossTalk, that God would allow me to be a part of seeing thousands of these evangelistic tools being used on three continents. Over the past three years, here in Africa alone, several hundred thousand of these tools have been translated and printed here in Kampala and Nairobi for use in Uganda, Burundi, Kenya, Ethiopia, and South Sudan. Amid the all too common incomplete or unclear gospel presentations, we praise God for this attractive, easily understood, and balanced explanation of God’s plan of salvation.
This past Sunday, I was once again thrilled as I witnessed it being used
yet another time by the Scripture Union Puppet Team for three back-to-back
children’s services at St. Stephen’s Church.
(The team has used it many times as their favorite evangelistic tool.) After the puppets performed an "ice-breaker," workers distributed a
CrossTalk tract to each child/youth. The
narrator then guided the youth with “hands on” folding the colorful cross
shaped paper while underlining the meaning.
Yes, due to some very young children, we did find a few torn CrossTalk
papers after the services, but for the most part the children cherished the
colorful square that turns into a cross…with its meaning. My biggest joy was seeing several
children raise their hands to indicate they wanted to respond to God’s
invitation by trusting Christ as their Savior.
What a joy to see these Ugandan young people, the Puppet Team, effectively
passing on the most important message with clarity…and to know that we have had
a small part in it.