Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Responding to the Good News before it’s Too Late

During the early part of our consultation regarding the 6th and final module of curriculum to be published, Obedience, we shared some of the testimonies coming from Test Teachers of how God worked as that value was taught. Then, spontaneously, a number of the consultants themselves shared their own experiences. One of them didn’t actually get the opportunity to teach the module, but in preparing to teach, he was convicted of his own rebellion toward leadership as he was working on a project and asked for God’s grace to submit. He saw God bring that project to a wonderful conclusion.
The testimony that resonated the most with me was from one of the Lower Primary consultants, also named Ruth, who has been teaching some of the modules to children and youth in her own community. As Ruth was seeking permission to do so, she interacted with one of the Community Leaders and found him to be very supportive. He sent his children to attend; they were there every week and often among the first to arrive. When he fell sick, the children asked Ruth to pray for him which they did as a group. Little by little they saw him improve and somewhere in the process, Ruth and her pastor husband went to visit him and pray with him. Ruth sensed God’s leading to also share the Gospel with him which he readily received and made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ…perhaps due to the teaching his children were bringing home from the Values Class.
Not too long after that, this community leader had a stroke and within a fairly short time, passed away. Ruth’s husband was asked to share during the funeral and they were amazed to hear several among his family members share how he had changed and shared his new-found faith in Jesus Christ. Now Ruth and her husband are trying to help the family keep their children in school and continue to build up their faith in Jesus Christ.
Praise God for His children who faithfully teach His Word to those around them, children and youth included, and take opportunities to share the Gospel with those God brings across their path, including the parents! May God continue to use His Word to bring many others, young and old alike, to our Savior…before it’s too late.


  1. It’s always amazing to see how God weaves together so many threads to fulfill His purposes...and allows us the privilege of being part of the tapestry.

  2. So encouraging! A good challenge for me as we have this year's first Good News Club tomorrow in the nearby school -- pray for the parents and make opportunities to share with them the Good News which they send their kids to hear!

  3. What an encouraging story of God's miracle- salvation.
