Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Easter Monday Joy

I woke up not well, grateful that my bed was near the bathroom.  Perhaps it was the late night/early morning airport run, or a bug, or just life…  As I dozed in and out I realized that Ruth was standing beside my bed.  “Fred is here.”  Oh, I thought, we have cash for him, as well as a phone, donated by “good Samaritans” after Fred was beaten and robbed by thugs on his way home from night school just a week before.  Ruth doesn’t know where I put that money and phone so I must get up to give it to him.
After a bit of preparation, I joined Ruth as she chatted with Fred on the patio outside.  Fred debriefed about the incident and we sympathized with him, the wounds on his right foot gave ample evidence of the pain. At that point, God gave me an idea to use this situation as a “teachable moment.” I steered the conversation by saying, “We are so glad God spared your life, but what if the thugs had killed you as they said they would…where would you have gone?”  Silence. So I continued, “when you stand before God and if He asks you why He should let you into Heaven, what would you say?” He hesitantly ventured an answer, “I’ve been following Jesus.” (Fred is, in human eyes, a good-living person who tries to do all the right things, including reading the Bible, praying, going to church when he can, etc.)
As the conversation continued, Fred revealed that his wife had asked him the same question, following the unfortunate incident, and he was unable to give her a good answer. He knew that at some point he had “repeated the words of a prayer” as a teenager, but he was not sure if he was saved. We discussed the problem of sin and the necessity of punishment—eternal death, and Fred admitted that he had sinned, including lying. We proceeded to open John 3:16 and had Fred put his own name when we paused reading the verse. I asked Fred if he would like to trust Christ as His Savior or think more about this important decision.  Without too much hesitation, he declared that he would like to pray right then. What a thrill to hear him talking to God, admitting that he has sinned many times (something that he has been reticent to admit in the past), and asking for God’s forgiveness and the gift of eternal life. And then we reviewed John 3:16 to see if God said that whoever believes in Jesus Christ “might not, or perhaps will not, or probably will not” perish…no, it says “will not perish” and God never lies.
Following more follow-up discussion and prayer, I revealed to Fred that friends of ours had learned of his situation and had given a significant amount of money plus a phone. It was easy to see that he was deeply touched by such kindness. “Thank you so much.”
After Fred left, and Ruth and I had a praise time.  As I returned to my bed, words of praise and worship poured forth to the risen Savior.  “Thank you for coming to seek and save the lost.”  If indeed Fred meant what he prayed, heaven was having a party.


  1. Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus our blessed redeemer.

  2. Praise God for His goodness to Fred. A man from our church just returned from Kampala last Saturday. He was teaching at ABU to a group of Pastors from Uganda, Rowanda and Kenya. Sunday morning he did a presentation of his trip. It was interesting to see and hear about Uganda and the situation of many of the folks there. Praying for both of you.
