Monday, November 19, 2018

First Missionary

Following a wonderful time of lifting up the name of our Lord through song led by the Geary Baptist worship team, the worship leader welcomed us and announced to the congregation that we were the first missionaries he had ever met! No one has ever introduced us in that way before!
Following the service, we chatted together and he filled in more details. In the early 80’s, he was a young adult living in Saint John and was led to the Lord by a pastor of a Rothesay church, we know the pastor well. Soon after his conversion, the pastor encouraged him to attend the mid-week prayer meeting where, to his chagrin, he was expected to pray out loud! Part of the prayer time focused on the church missionaries and our prayer card was handed to him—he had never seen such cards before. (As part of our church PowerPoint presentation earlier in the service, we had shown that very prayer card much to his delight; it was our very first prayer card, printed before we went to the Philippines!) Then, not too long after that, he joined the church’s Missionary Conference and, of all the missionaries he would be meeting, we were the first ones to be introduced to him! Because of that, he has had a special interest in our ministry through the years, unknown to us. How great is our God as we look back on His amazing ways!

1 comment:

  1. Hearing of God's attention to such details astounds me and brings tears to my eyes. What other details is He orchestrating even now that we know nothing about?
