financial support for ministry has been one of the greatest faith-stretchers
as well as one of the most amazing part of the journey these past 37 years. As
others have often said, God delights in providing through the most unlikely
people and means.
in point….back in the early 2,000s, I, (Ruth), accompanied my parents to Texas to
visit my mother’s sister and family. One Sunday, my parents and I visited a
church slightly northwest of San Antonio, TX, which my cousin, Paul, and his
family pastored. Paul, asked me to share briefly with the children during the
Sunday School opening. After that, I found my way to the women’s Sunday School
class to join my mother. As I walked into the class, the teacher said “We’re
studying the sanctity of life, something all of us believe. We don’t often have
a missionary among us, so let’s just let her take the rest of our time
together.” As I began to share off the top of my head, the ladies started
peppering me with questions and the entire class time was soon gone. We joined
the church service, shook a few hands as visitors, and then went on with our
plans. A few months later I was shocked to see a monthly financial gift coming
from that church! As time progressed, my cousin left that church and my support
was dropped…but almost immediately I saw the names of two couples from that
area appear on my donor records; soon their giving surpassed what the church
had sending in! Two couples whom I didn’t remember meeting now giving
generously…only the Lord!
we began planning this year of home service, I told Laura that an absolute must
was to meet these two couples in Texas and thank them personally for their
long-time support, despite their not knowing me personally. And so this
one-month “road trip” was planned, during which we could see many others but
they were high on the priority list. About a week before our planned visit, they
told us that a Prayer Group from their church had rescheduled for that week so
that they could also meet us and a pot luck supper/dessert were planned.
we entered Texas last week, I came down with some kind of stomach bug with
extreme weakness. God provided a Bed & Breakfast the night before we planned
to drive southwest to see them. As I lay shivering and weak that night,
I pleaded with the Lord that somehow we could still go to visit them. Unknown
to us, the friend who provided the B & B for us sent out an email to a
number of mutual friends asking them to pray for me too. When morning dawned, I
felt much better and we sensed that we could proceed with plans. During the 6+
hour trip there, I once again began to not feel so well, and gratefully curled
up in a motel bed for over an hour before getting ready to go to the church. Praise God, I
was able to tag along with Laura and at least meet those two dear couples (minus the wife of one
couple who was out of town) as well as the church prayer group. Although I
couldn’t enjoy the wonderful evening meal they prepared, it was a special time
of re-connection. I learned that the wife of the one couple was in that Sunday
School class that morning and remembered me! The husband of the other couple
also remembers meeting me that day. It was so humbling to be with these faithful
partners in the Gospel, and I’m so grateful that God enabled me to extend my
thanks to them personally.
I didn’t have the strength, Laura gave the report to the prayer group plus Ernie helped "break the ice". The Pastor closed our evening with a touching prayer
for us. And as icing on the cake, seven from those who were there asked to be
put on our mailing list, affirming their commitment to continue praying for VOICE
Philippines, VOICE Africa and beyond.
slept well that night and felt much renewed the following morning…and we went
on our way rejoicing in the Lord!