Wednesday, February 13, 2019

40 Years, Can It Be?

As we drank in the beauty of the Hawaiian Island of Kauai, it dawned on me (Laura) that it was this month, January 1979, 40 years ago, that I began my cross-cultural missions career! My then co-worker, Mary, and I were headed into a Christian Education ministry as part of a church plant on the island of Majuro, district center of the Marshall Islands. The only way to get there was through Hawaii.  Since Mary had previously served as a short-term missionary on Kauai and we needed to purchase supplies for setting up house/ministry on Majuro, we decided to spend some time on Honolulu as well as visit Kauai. Forty years ago, I remember Kauai: sounds of roosters, eating lots of delicious pineapple, sightseeing in a loaned Volkswagen, the friendliness of Anahola, and sitting on the lanai (church patio) for conversation and fellowship after service times.  Little did I know what God had in store for me including the generosity of that church when they started to pray for and support me. That partnership has continued to this day! As always, they royally spoiled us during our week’s visit—very humbling. Praise God for His faithfulness and the faithfulness of His people.
Following that week, we boarded an early morning flight to Honolulu…Guam…Manila to once again be in the nation I never dreamed I’d serve in when I was in Kauai 40 years ago, the Philippines.  The three week visit in our beloved Philippines went all too quickly.  We were blessed and humbled as we connected with many friends, both Filipino and missionary, as well as VOICE Philippines.  Testimonies and growth of the ministry brought tears.  Friends provided their spacious apartment for our days in Manila. For more than a week of that time, we traveled to the northern Philippines as well as to our former favorite vacation spot, Baguio in the mountains. In each place, we renewed acquaintances and visited meaningful places. How good God has been these 40 years and we know He will not change. Praise Him!

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful and what a blessing for both of you and all those you visited with! We serve a mighty and awesome God!
