With the pandemic-related restrictions, we have all felt “muted” in our usual routines and especially in the face-to-face ministries we’re involved in. Churches and global ministries have battled frustration with this forced muteness. VOICE ministries in both the Philippines and East Africa struggle with the closure of school classrooms where they used to have such a regular vibrant opportunity to invest in the students' lives. BUT, in faith, muteness has been at least partially overcome. God has enabled VOICE to focus on new platforms and share God’s truth in new ways.
VOICE Philippines has produced and distributed a Devotional Book “Walk His Way” in both English and Tagalog.
VOICE Africa has offered on-line Biblical values classes to families. Their latest module, Obedience, has just been completed and once again, the impact has been significant (see below for some testimonies).
VOICE Africa is also producing video clips on the value of Moral Purity which they hope to air in the fairly near future.
In Uganda, the government has allowed next year’s “grads” (elementary and high school) to return to school to prepare for upcoming national examinations. As only God could do it, several schools invited/urged Beth, Scripture Union Uganda missionary, to speak to their students this month. She began her sharing with her puppet, amid much laughter, and then challenged the students to consider trusting Christ as personal Savior by explaining the Gospel tract, CrossTalk. Dozens of students responded in faith and some have already been followed up and received literature to help in following Christ.
In God’s time, Zechariah saw God’s amazing fulfillment and purposes. His response was to praise God while prophesying that people would “find salvation through forgiveness of their sins.” (Luke 1:77) Let us continue to trust, pray, and serve while using opportunities to “un-mute” the Good News...all the while looking to our great God with expectancy to see what He is doing.
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Testimonies (a few among many) from
the Recently Completed On-Line Teaching
of the Obedience Module
in Uganda
Lower Primary:
- Austin: Thank you teacher for teaching us about Obedience.
Austin’s parent: There
is a definite change in behaviour and this is attributed to what
Austin has been learning about obedience in the past weeks. Thank
you so much for helping him grow and become more responsible.
- Abryl: I learnt to help my mother to cut the onions for cooking and my younger brother to do class work.
- Abryl’s parent: Yes, Abryl has been respectful and hard working.
- Tracy: It's the best--the Values Promises, the stories and what you teach us are the best.
Upper Primary:
Passy - Obedience has helped me to obey my parents without complaining. Thank you for training me through this obedience exercise class.
Passy’s parents: My daughter has followed all the Values Promises and chosen to obey immediately and wholeheartedly. Many thanks to Scripture Union.
Elizabeth: Dear teacher I have improved in listening to my parents.
Elizabeth’s parents: I realized a change in the lives of my children. They do things according to the way we have been telling them. They are quick to respond. Thank you Scripture Union teachers for the teachings. May God richly bless you.
Silver: I have learnt to be very obedient to my parents. It has changed my life. Like when today, my aunt asked me to help her hang clothes and I did it immediately and wholeheartedly.
Joshua: I thank my teacher for these lessons and God above all. I am now more obedient and listening than before and have gained favour in the eyes of my parents and God. Like last week I did my best to be obedient to my parents and my mum really looked happy with me because of that; she even spared some time and we conversed though she was busy, so it's a very big testimony for me and I thank God.
Joshua’s parents: Joshua has improved greatly spiritually, thanks to these lessons. And he nowadays sees that he obeys us and God. Continue with these lessons for a better future generation God fearing and obedient people. God bless you abundantly.
Timothy: I thank God for enabling me to join these meetings. They helped me do the right thing.
Timothy’s parents: Obedience class has been very insightful. Timothy has learnt some Bible verses that he always recites and have made him realize that God is always present in his life.
Joy: It has changed my life totally to be obedient because Christ died for me yet He has never sinned.
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