Thursday, June 17, 2021

God’s Changeless Word in our Changing World Producing Life-Changes in Many

 Isa. 55:11 “so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

This past week, I was reminded again of the power of
God’s Word as I completed editing “The Forbidden Book,” in preparation for it being reprinted. Initially published in 2014 by the Philippine Bible Society, it attempts to display God’s miraculous plan using Filipinos and expatriates in late 1800/early 1900 to translate and print the Bible in several Philippine languages, and then smuggle those printed Bibles into the country, sometimes at the cost of their lives. Toward the end of the 1800's, at an historic meeting in Manila, Filipino Nicolas Zamora proclaimed to lovers/readers of God’s Word “the lock is off this book,” (page 42, Forbidden Book). Now statistics reveal that about 14% of Filipinos are Evangelical Christians!

Fast forward to 2020/2021, Covid has restricted many, especially children, from exposure to God’s Word...but in no way has it "locked" God's Word or His power! Many, including VOICE Philippines and VOICE Africa, have expanded their ministry to include small group sessions and/or on-line platforms. And testimonies of changed lives continue! Here are two very brief but encouraging reports recently received from churches who partnered with VOICE Philippines (pre-Covid) revealing lasting fruit from Biblical Values classes.

  • Students who started attending church while studying VOICE and who graduated a few year ago are still attending church.

  • Our former VOICE students continue to attend Bible studies and church services.

Let’s be encouraged and continue sharing the unstoppable Word of God in any way that we can; there will be eternal fruit—God promises that!

1 comment:

  1. With so many Filipino moving to Canada, this would be a good ministry tool for us. Could we purchase some when they are printed?
