Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Personal and Corporate Prayer - AND Testimonies from Africa

Today was one of those mornings when the air was cool, the sun bright, and an incredible day to enjoy God’s creation, especially with a long-time (from elementary school!), but seldom seen friend who is also a sister in Christ. We both so enjoyed eating our picnic by the

Kennebacasis River as we caught up, remembered light moments, and discussed significant concerns on both of our hearts. Before parting, we paused to bring thanksgiving and worship to the One Who loves and waits for us to verbalize our praise and pour out our hearts seeking His will and direction in our priorities and calendars. There’s just something about praying with someone else that adds to our enjoyment and meaning.

Thanks for faithfully petitioning our great God with global concerns from our Prayer Zone; probably it is usually a time between you and God—personal prayer. Next month there is an opportunity for you to join others in prayer for those mutual concerns—corporate prayer—albeit virtually via the internet. October 6, Wednesday, is the exciting day, beginning at 1 PM EST—A 2-hour Concert of Prayer (or for as long as you can stay with us). We hope to have live prayer updates from London, Ontario; Claremont, New Hampshire; and Sussex, New Brunswick...and maybe even from Uganda...with opportunity to actually pray aloud with others in small groups. We’re looking forward to being able to pray with you—hope you can join us!

If you plan to join us, please email Laura so she can send you the needed link. - lbonney2@gmail.com.


In answer to prayer, God has worked in the hearts of children and families who participated in the online teaching of the Truth module in Uganda. Here’s just a few of their testimonies:

  • Dear teachers, I have enjoyed the classes so much. I wish I could attend it every day and teach my friends plus my young sister. I pray that I can be able to spread the word of God to every child who has not been born again so that they can trust in God. The teaching has made me learn to read the Bible very well and be able to preach about it at home during Bible Study and devotions. This has improved me a lot. I love you so much. (Amarorwot)

  • Dear Teachers, Thank you so much for teaching about Truth. I used to tell lies to my parents when I have done something wrong because I feared to be caned/punished but after this lesson, I always tell the truth and they forgive me. I know this makes God, my parents and me happy (the truth sets you free). May God bless you so much for the teachings. (David)

  • We noticed lots of improvements in the life of our daughter in regards to telling of the truth, and also being able to follow through with what she studies and being able to apply it in our family devotions. We have also deliberately given her and her siblings a forum to take us through as a family in regards to the very subject of Truth, indeed we have been blessed by her rich sharing and deep understanding of that topic. We are grateful to her teachers and classmates. May the good Lord bless you big time. (Parents of Namakula)

  • Dear Scripture Union, We are more than overjoyed to see that you are instilling good values to the young generations. When these children hear you emphasizing what we labor to tell them, your added voice is more precious than gold. It’s highly valued by them and we have seen great change in Josiah’s self-esteem because now he knows that he is special. Thanks to all our teachers of the value of Truth. God bless you richly. (Mum and Dad for Josiah)

  • Dear Scripture Union, Thank you for your service. You are a blessing not just to the children, but even us the parents. This is just to appreciate you and to thank you for guiding our children in the ways of God. (Carol’s parent)

  • Hello Scripture Union. Thank you for always teaching the children these values we didn’t get to learn when we were still young. May God richly bless you abundantly. We will surely keep attending the classes. (Jonathan’s parents)



  1. Praising God with you for his ongoing work! Such a privilege to serve together and pray for one another in the service of the king of kings and Lord of lords!

  2. So encouraging to read the accounts from the children and parents.
    Sorry I can't join in the concert of prayer. May it be a rich time together.
