Friday, December 16, 2022

Waiting in Hope

 I think I’m correct to say that none of us particularly likes to wait! And yet, how often we are forced to do so...and encouraged by God to do so, patiently and expectantly. Psalm 40:1 being one example:

I waited patiently for the LORD;
He inclined to me and heard my cry.”

As we are now into the Christmas season, the old hymn written by Charles Wesley, “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus” comes to mind.

  1. Come, Thou long-expected Jesus,
    Born to set Thy people free;
    From our fears and sins release us,
    Let us find our rest in Thee.
    Israel’s Strength and Consolation,
    Hope of all the earth Thou art;
    Dear Desire of every nation,
    Joy of every longing heart.
  2. Born Thy people to deliver,
    Born a child and yet a King,
    Born to reign in us forever,
    Now Thy gracious kingdom bring.
    By Thine own eternal Spirit
    Rule in all our hearts alone;
    By Thine all-sufficient merit,
    Raise us to Thy glorious throne

Christ’s first coming seemed painfully delayed to those who eagerly anticipated it, but He came at just the right time...and He will return God’s time! Wait!

All of us who earnestly pray for urgent needs, our own and those of others, especially unsaved loved ones, know that God’s answers are often not immediate; we must wait in perseverance.

Although I enjoy my connections with the Filipino community, I would be grateful for someone younger to help. Pray for God’s will. At times, as is true for you and your ministries, it seems that nothing eternal is happening. But this month, God gave me two encouraging glimpses of Him at work.

  • Two Filipino newcomers spontaneously asked to join me for not one, but two Christmas programs in local churches on the same day. For at least one of them, it was the first time to enter a Protestant church!

  • Yesterday, after baking carrot cake cupcakes, I read from Luke 2 with two Filipino children. For one of them, born in Dubai, the Christmas story seemed brand new.

Don't you love how the nations are also represented in this old hymn/Christmas carol - “hope of all the earth thou art; dear desire of every nation, joy of every longing heart.” Philippines, Africa, North America...all of His children long for Him! 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Full Circle

It continues to surprise and delight me as I meet more Filipinos in my fairly small town, most of them fairly newly arrived. Among other “cultural jolts,” they are usually shocked at how cold it is, especially now that winter is closing in on us! Besides warm clothing, they have various needs: housing, furniture, child care, medical care, vehicles, etc. What a joy to be able to help, while practicing my “rusty” Tagalog, and provide hospitality and a meal, even as I recall how we were welcomed years ago into their country...and struggled with the heat and humidity!

Earlier this week I had another
delightful surprise of meeting a well settled and established Filipino immigrant, this time in a Fredericton Women’s Missionary Group! My new friend, L, came to Canada years ago and of course, still has a soft spot for her native country. She joined with the mainly Canadian group of ladies to pray for God’s work in her country of origin. One of the key prayer requests I shared was for the need of church volunteers in the Marikina area of Metro Manila, which is where “L” grew up, to mentor/partner with university students to co-teach Biblical values in local public elementary and high schools. We pray that many more Filipinos, like “L,” may trust Christ as Saviour and become close followers of Him.

* * * * *

Two Curriculum Testimonies from Uganda
(slightly revised from the VOICE Africa October report)

  • By the grace of God, an organization that helps needy children in a number of areas of Uganda, has embraced the teaching of Biblical values using the VOICE material. At this point, they have taught two modules, Truth and Responsibility, and just completed the training for Forgiveness. The teachers from the different centers of the project highly appreciate the tool for its simplicity and also testify of how life transforming these values are to their children.

  • A participant from a well-known evangelical church told us that one of their participants said “the Scripture Union VOICE program has helped me change the way I teach Sunday School children because the curriculum is easy and well organized for a teacher to follow.”


Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Marriage...or Wait for God’s Time?

 While Ruth and I were together in Maine earlier this month, one of the emails we received from Beth came with a plea that we take the time to listen to the attached digital Scripture Union International Update, especially one part. It was a video testimony from Beth B’s assistant, Chris, centered around a young man, a South Sudanese refugee; I will call him “Douglas.” It certainly filled our hearts with praise to our God for the power of His Word and Holy Spirit.

Chris met Douglas several years ago at a Scripture Union Conference in a Refugee Camp in northwestern Uganda. The Purity Module was being taught at the Conference, but the instruction was causing 14-year old Douglas much distress; it was so contrary to his thinking/plan. He had no family (and we can only imagine why he had no family plus the trauma he had been through as he fled his country) and felt so alone. His broken heart longed to belong to someone. In his young mind, marriage was the best answer. When Chris negated his thinking, using himself as an example—a married man who knows the challenges that come with that relationship—Douglas burst out in tears.

Chris lovingly advised Douglas to return to school to which Douglas immediately reacted—I haven’t finished primary school so would need to return there and be the oldest/biggest kid in my class! However, as Chris continued to listen and share, Douglas calmed down and eventually said he would do that. Chis assured him that finishing both Primary and Secondary School would help prepare him for eventual marriage, all in God’s time. No doubt (Africans are way better at this than our culture is!) Chris also prayed with him as Douglas made the decision to trust God for strength, emotional healing, and direction.

About a year later, Chris heard news that made him literally jump for joy! Douglas had already been promoted to Secondary School and was the chair person of the school’s Scripture Union Club! And even more recently, news came revealing that Douglas is currently in Senior 4 (grade 10) and using his experience to encourage other young refugees to trust God, wait for His perfect time, and live a life of moral purity—lasting fruit! Let’s pray for “Douglas” and that God will continue to use His children, His Word, Scripture Union, and even the Purity module to transform many more children/teens, bringing glory to God!

Monday, September 12, 2022

Coincidence? NO!

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful….
make the most of every opportunity….”
Colossians 4:2,5

As the northern hemisphere transitions to a cooler season and we believers await our Lord’s return, I am increasingly challenged to hear and respond to our great God and His nudges.

For example...This past week I loaned my car to someone to use while theirs was in the repair my world was “limited” to where my two feet could take me, where I could get a ride to or places I could reach on my bike. But...the opportunities to connect face to face with others, especially Filipinos, seemed almost limitless! I often help a mother by picking up her Filipino child after school, sometimes by car and sometimes walking...but this week I had no choice...and on the first day of school, I met a newly arrived couple, that I had heard about, also waiting for their child. It was a great chat and I was able to help them with a few questions. The following day, that child started traveling on the school bus but God had me there just at the right time!

I was walking somewhere on Labour Day and met two Filipina ladies who were bemoaning the bake shop being closed—it was the birthday of one of them who had recently arrived. How sad to celebrate your first birthday in Canada without a cake of some sort! (Filipinos excel in celebrations!) I “happened” to have blueberries thawing in preparation for baking blueberry muffins so invited them (and a few others) over for a blueberry muffin birthday cake! What a fun unexpected time together! (By the way, that was the third time God arranged me to meet Filipinos right on their chance...No!)

In addition to all this, Sussex, the dairy town where I live, welcomed hundreds of

visitors to its 35th Annual Atlantic Balloon Fiesta, and the weather was beautiful. Through the indoor market, antique car show, Hinchey’s Amusement rides, cotton candy and fried food concessions, I “bumped” into several groups of Filipinos, most of whom were experiencing the festival for the first time. And...I also spotted our “Lion of Judah.” At least one man took the opportunity to pass out Gospel tracts, I was able to engage in a spiritual conversation with a new friend, and one local church took advantage to proclaim Christ through worship songs at the bandstand. Even though our culture is increasingly secular and even anti-Christian, God still sits on the throne and opens doors or windows for proclamation, publicly and/or one on one. Let’s be available and seeking God how He can enable us to participate in what He is doing locally and globally.

Monday, August 15, 2022

“Work for the Night Comes”


During Beth Baleke’s brief May/June 2022 North American visit, she resonated with this verse prominently displayed on a plaque at True Life Church:

"As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me.
Night is coming, when no one can work."
John 9:4

Many of us can identify with this verse in the tangible/physical realm as we grapple with the reality of our short North American summers for agriculture and outdoor pursuits...and certainly all of us are very aware of its truth spiritually.

RIGHT NOW, much work is being done by Scripture Union Uganda staff and volunteers...13 regional camps are happening throughout that nation for three more days—camps end on Thursday. Hundreds of children and teens are hearing God’s Word while enjoying all the the fun and activity that goes with camp. Would you join us in urgent prayer for these camps?

  • Pray for the Bible teachers in each of the camps, that they would be Spirit filled and Spirit led.

  • Pray for spiritual impact in lives of each volunteer and counselor. (Many volunteers are in their 20’s.)

  • Pray for many campers to make commitments to Christ

  • Pray for God’s protection from COVID outbreaks, from accident and injury.

  • Pray for Scripture Union Uganda and local churches to followup and disciple those campers who trust Christ as Savior.

In yesterday’s Zoom prayer time with Beth, she explained why there are so many camps at this particular time. Due to the significant increase in food prices, boarding school students (which make up a large percentage of schools) have been sent home since parents are unable to afford the additional costs. Plans are to reopen schools next month. So...Scripture Union has decided to work while the opportunity is there to reach as many children/teens as possible!! Usually Scripture Union holds a few centralized camps, but due to the situation, they are holding multiple camps in the regions. Beth shared that one organization alone sponsored 100 campers to attend the camp closest to her!

As you pray for the staff/volunteers at these camps, you can pray by name for three who are serving in the Jinja area camp: Lisa, Beth’s adopted daughter, who is on break from University, Crisla, a University student gifted in puppetry and is using “Naigaga”, the African girl puppet Ruth and Laura left behind in 2020, and Hilda, a sweet and gifted girl in her 20's who Beth would like to see more involved in children and youth ministry.

And while praying for God’s work in Uganda, let’s include our own “Jerusalem” and intercede for our churches to actively rise up to the challenge of reaching the children and youth, as well as followup those touched by VBS, camps, etc. held this summer….“while it is yet day.”

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Informal Community Outreach in the Philippines Bears Fruit

 VOICE Philippines regularly invites current and previous church partners to submit answers to prayer and prayer requests which VOICE then share in its monthly VIP – VOICE In Prayer. Pre-pandemic, this usually included stories of opportunities and results the churches were experiencing as they taught Biblical Values. But due to so many restrictions during the pandemic, very few were able to continue previous ministry. Now that restrictions have been loosened somewhat and students are finally able to return to their classrooms, it seems that the Department of Education so far has been too occupied with other issues and has yet not considered the formal requests to resume the weekly teaching of values in the classrooms by trained church volunteers. Please continue to pray that this will still happen. However, praise God that He is not limited by government, etc. This past month, a church shared an encouraging incident; the church is located in Puerto Princesa, a city on the island of Palawan. (See maps - Palawan is a long narrow island on the west of the Philippine islands). Perhaps the pastor is the writer. VOICE included it in the VIP as it was sent to them, in “Taglish” (combined Tagalog and English); I (Ruth) have loosely translated it for you.

Every last Friday of the month, I gathered together some children and taught them the Truth and Honesty module of the VOICE curriculum. The Holy Spirit guided me as I taught insights from both Truth and Honesty. I was able to also share the gospel. As a result, the children received the Lord Jesus and immediately asked for a copy of the Bible that I was using. May the Lord increase His blessing on your ministry. God bless us all.”

The prayer request from that church was – “Please continue to pray that the Lord will call married couples to serve here with us so that we can extend our follow-up and have more ministry.”

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Our Well-made Plans...Replaced by God’s Plan

 “In their hearts humans plan their course,
but the Lord establishes their steps.”
Proverbs 16:9

In our previous blog you read our carefully laid out plans for Beth and me (Laura) to make full use of her visit to this part of the continent...but in the end only one of them happened in a slightly altered manner. A couple of days into her visit, I experienced some unwelcome symptoms...and you guessed it, tested positive for COVID-19. Gracious children of God quickly welcomed Beth into their home with the hope that she would escape. Meetings were canceled to everyone’s disappointment. We did one Zoom prayer meeting as a substitute and moved toward Sunday plans minus Laura. But that morning...with no obvious symptoms, Beth tested positive for the required pre-flight test (she had tickets to fly early Monday morning). I, virtually back to full health, brought Beth back to my home and we enjoyed a personal retreat the next day, enjoying God’s creation, reflection hours, and quietness. Prayer times included an urgent plea that Beth could still get to Indiana in time to speak at the Friday funeral of a long-time friend. God answered; she received the required negative reading and flew out early Wednesday morning, two days later than planned...but she made it! Beth has since visited friends and supporters in several USA states and given multiple ministry updates to individuals, small groups, and churches.

Now, Laura is preparing for Beth’s return (June 20) and trusting God for His plans for the next ten days. Pray for strength, a sense of God’s presence, great fellowship and mutual encouragement, and that God will be honored. Lord-willing, Beth will return to Uganda on June 30.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

God’s Amazing Ways

This past week I have had the privilege of being the beneficiary of Mennonite hospitality in the Winnipeg area. It was a joy to share the VOICE story with several groups of people and realize afresh God’s greatness! What showers of blessing to meet a whole new church family in the Winnipeg area and learn how God is working through His people there both in their own Jerusalem and to the ends of the earth...all have refreshed my spirit.

Immediately upon arrival at the Saint John, NB, airport, May 17, I welcomed Beth, our

Ugandan colleague and friend to Canada! A few months ago, it looked “impossible” for her to get visas for either Canada or the USA, due to pandemic caused backlogs...but God specialized in such “impossibilities” and she got a visa for both. Perhaps it was the long isolation period we all have been through, mixed in with the explosion of Spring with all of its beauty, but, for whatever reason, being reunited with a friend from far away has been a compounded blessing. You most likely know the name “Beth” from our communications from 2013 onward, and to have her here in my world is a wonder only God could make happen. Her flight from Uganda arrived 2 hours before mine returning from Winnipeg! My brother arrived early and visited with Beth until my plane touched down in Saint John. What encouragement Beth’s presence has brought, seeing her and praying together again face-to-face. It is, however, a huge disappointment that we will probably not be seeing Ruth. Somehow in my travels west, I managed to lose my passport, and its replacement is a lengthy process at the current time. So the three of us are forced to rely on telephone and Zooming for the time being.

Beth’s (and my) Tentative Schedule

  • May 24-25 White Head Island Baptist Church, Grand Manan, NB

  • May 27 Visits in Moncton, NB

  • May 29 Bloomfield Baptist Church

  • May 30 – June 20. Beth in USA

  • June 22 (7:00 – 8:00 PM) Faith Bible Baptist Fellowship, Sussex, NB – open for anyone in the area who would like to meet Beth in person and hear an update from her of the VOICE Africa ministry.

  • June 26 True Life Church, Quispamsis, NB

  • June 30 Beth returns to Uganda

Monday, April 18, 2022

Stories from Three Continents


From Asia (Philippines) – Surprise Discovery!

This picture was taken in 2016 when Kuya Jess
(2nd from far right), VOICE Philippines Director,
visited the area. These
high school students
had begun attending the church from which
the Biblical Values volunteers came.
About seven years ago, VOICE Philippines conducted a training on the island of Leyte and some of those trained started teaching Biblical values in a public high school. Toward the end of last year, a destructive typhoon passed through that area of Central Philippines. VOICE, along with other groups, worked toward sending relief items, using local churches as their point of contact. They were surprised to receive a longer-than-expected list of evangelical churches and learned that several churches had been planted somewhat recently, some of them as a direct result of the teaching of Biblical Values! But the even more encouraging surprise came when they found out that two of these new churches were pastored by students who were reached for Christ through those classes!! What an encouragement for VOICE Philippines, especially as they, and many other faith-based organizations, struggle to survive the effects of the pandemic restrictions. Praise God and pray for increased fruit!

From Africa (Uganda) –

One of the Biblical Values classes being taught in
that Primary School.

All schools in Uganda were shut down due to pandemic restrictions and with a few exceptions, remained closed until early this year.
Soon after the schools reopened, South Sudanese refugees trained by Beth, a missionary with Scripture Union Uganda, and her assistant, Chris, shared the program of teaching Biblical values with a number of public schools Principals; they were generally well received. The leadership of one Primary school in particular was reeling with the realization that during that two year period he had lost around 400 students, with the worst news being that a significant percentage of the female students was due to pregnancy. That Principal/Head Teacher grabbed the opportunity and asked Scripture Union to teach Purity to all of the classes...which really stretched the fellow refugees who have been trained to teach the VOICE modules! But it’s happening! Pray with us for tender and eager hearts to receive and apply what they are hearing.

From North America (New Brunswick, Canada) – Filipino Blowout

Many of you responded to my (Ruth’s) invitation to help Laura celebrate her entrance into the 7th decade of life—thanks so much! As of her last count, she received 80+ cards, 70+ Facebook Birthday greetings, and numerous email greetings as well as e-cards. She (and I) are overwhelmed with God’s gift of wonderful friends from around the world—a small part of God’s great blessing upon our lives.

Group Picture minus a couple who arrived after the
this was taken. Embroidered tablecloth imported from
the Philippines!

Added to that gift was the courage God gave her to open her home and celebrate Filipino style—put on your own party, also called a “blowout”! She invited just over 20 Sussex area Filipinos with whom she has connected as friends over the
past several months. Sixteen arrived and filled her home with the Tagalog language, laughter, and joy. (She’s also grateful for the two fellow Canadians who joined to help with food/logistics!)
Since cooking space is limited, Laura gave the ingredients and asked one of them to make “Adobong Manok” and cook the rice. Another one made a cake as a gift. Each of the three Filipino young people that Laura teaches Biblical Values to and does a cooking or baking project with each week, recited Bible verses they had memorized, and Laura read a Daily Bread devotional which mentioned the Philippines. Filipinos love to give gifts for a birthday celebration and so Laura suggested that they give toward SEND’s “Help and Hope for Ukraine” fund and more than $200 was given! All in all, a very special time for the birthday celebrant and no doubt for all who joined her! Pray with us for eternal fruit in their lives.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

God’s Word at Work

 This past week, the Scripture Union Uganda National Director submitted to SEND Canada a summary report of the VOICE Program during 2021, and copied Laura and me. He did a fabulous job and included three testimonies of impact. One has been shared on this blog previously but here are two additional stories.

Moses, a Christian worker - During one of the trainings on the Forgiveness Module, Moses, one of those being trained, made the hard decision to forgive his uncle who had mistreated him and his siblings while they were young. He was their temporary care giver but unfortunately denied them school fees even though their late parents had left sufficient money for their education. Moses lamented how much his uncle hurt them and grieves for his sister who continues to struggle emotionally. However, after the forgiveness sessions, Moses chose to forgive and he shared that decision with everyone at the training. Thanks be to God.

Nakisige, a student - Nakisige, 13 years old, was attending the Values Education Class being taught at the St. James Anglican Church in Jinja where the module on Truth was being taught. After memorizing the Values Promise/Lesson Aim for the the second lesson, “I will believe everything God says is true” and learning the theme verse for the Truth module, John 8:32 - “You will know the truth and the truth shall set you free,” Nakisige put up her hand and blurted out, “For me I am a Muslim but I want to follow Jesus.” The VEC teacher was in utter shock and fear at such a public confession. But Nakisige repeated herself out loud in the hearing of everyone present. The Assistant VEC teacher was equally shocked and not knowing what else to say, told the main teacher, “Auntie, we cannot hear what she is saying!!” And so Nakisige immediately repeated her desire the third time!! Finally the teachers realized that she truly meant what she was saying! Praise God she was then counseled for salvation and given instruction for her new life in Christ.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Impact Testimonies from Three East African Nations

Fairly often we hear phrases such as “praise God for many stories of impact”...but to actually get those oral stories in writing is “like pulling hen’s teeth” (wherever that saying came from!). However, we received three such stories this past month and eagerly pass them on to you so that you too can rejoice in hearing evidence that God is answering your prayers for this ministry! Being “westerners” who love details, we simply have to be content with what we get! 



This picture of a letter written by an elementary student was forwarded to us from Beth. It was sent to her without any further details, but what is there fills our hearts with joy. 

Uganda, South Sudanese Refugee Camp:

A Scripture Union South Sudanese refugee leader shared with Beth his conversation with a fellow refugee (not necessarily a Christian) who is in charge of a certain part of one of the refugee camps.

The lessons taught by you Scripture Union leaders during Covid lock-down while schools were closed over the past two years helped our children a lot. I recommend that they be taught again.” When I told him our plans to teach the lessons in the schools now that they are open, the gentleman still insisted that in addition to the schools they still needed to be taught at the community level too.


South Sudan:

You may remember news from our last blog that Purity was taught by South Sudanese Scripture Union refugee leaders last month at a Scripture Union conference in South Sudan close to the Ugandan border. This is a report that came to Beth from that camp.

Two 15-year-old girls who participated in the Purity lessons told us that they were in a relationship with men from the area they came from. When we asked them “Why?” they replied that “they just admire it.” (Probably meaning that it’s considered a cool or in-thing to do.) After teaching lesson 5, Purity Has No Regrets, [a story of a bright and promising Ugandan girl who got sexually involved with two men over a period of several years while still a student and ended up sickly, not finishing school, and shunned by her relatives] both girls shared their decision to break those relationships in order to avoid regret and failure to finish school.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Serving One Another

Toward the end of 2013, civil war broke out in the newest nation on earth, South Sudan (founded July, 2011). About a third of the population fled their homes and over the next couple of year, more than a million of them entered the neighboring nation to the south, Uganda, where they continue to be accommodated in a number of refugee camps.  

The Scripture Union South Sudan national director was able to remain in the capital city of Juba, but many of those connected with that ministry ended up in Uganda. He and our friend/colleague, Beth, a Ugandan Scripture Union missionary to South Sudan (as well as Ethiopia, and Tanzania), quickly sought ways to minister to these displaced brothers and sisters in Christ. Through a wide variety of ministries, the believers have been built up in their faith, trained and challenged to be salt and light to their fellow refugees. Many of them have received instruction on the use of the VOICE Africa Biblical values curriculum and have taught children, youth, and families in the areas around them. About a month ago, the core group of leaders were equipped to be trainers themselves and enable others to use the curriculum to present God’s standard of righteousness and the need for salvation.

The four South Sudan refugees who taught
Purity to the children and younger teens
About two weeks ago, four of these South Sudanese refugees, leaders of the Scripture Union work in both the Palorinya and the Rhino refugee camps, traveled 6 hours by motorcycle to a town in South Sudan close to the Ugandan border, Kejikeji, to work with the Scripture Union South Sudan national director and others in holding a conference. 

Over 200 believers from that area and some from other areas of South Sudan
attended. The overall theme for the conference was “Dating, courtship, and sexual purity.” While others were teaching the older teens and adults, these four refugee leaders taught the children and young teens using the VOICE Africa curriculum on Purity. What a thrill that must have been to serve their own people in their own nation once again!

Seeking forgiveness for personal and national sin

One day during the conference, all joined together to seek God’s forgiveness for their individual and national sins, and then did a prayer walk through that town pleading with God to repair the broken walls of their nation. May God answer that prayer...and in the meantime, continue to bless and use these refugees who continue to grow and serve despite past trauma.

Prayer march around the town