During Beth Baleke’s brief May/June 2022 North American visit, she resonated with this verse prominently displayed on a plaque at True Life Church:
long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me.
Night is
coming, when no one can work."
Many of us can identify with this verse in the tangible/physical realm as we grapple with the reality of our short North American summers for agriculture and outdoor pursuits...and certainly all of us are very aware of its truth spiritually.
RIGHT NOW, much work is being done by Scripture Union Uganda staff and volunteers...13 regional camps are happening throughout that nation for three more days—camps end on Thursday. Hundreds of children and teens are hearing God’s Word while enjoying all the the fun and activity that goes with camp. Would you join us in urgent prayer for these camps?
Pray for the Bible teachers in each of the camps, that they would be Spirit filled and Spirit led.
Pray for spiritual impact in lives of each volunteer and counselor. (Many volunteers are in their 20’s.)
Pray for many campers to make commitments to Christ
Pray for God’s protection from COVID outbreaks, from accident and injury.
Pray for Scripture Union Uganda and local churches to followup and disciple those campers who trust Christ as Savior.
In yesterday’s Zoom prayer time with Beth, she explained why there are so many camps at this particular time. Due to the significant increase in food prices, boarding school students (which make up a large percentage of schools) have been sent home since parents are unable to afford the additional costs. Plans are to reopen schools next month. So...Scripture Union has decided to work while the opportunity is there to reach as many children/teens as possible!! Usually Scripture Union holds a few centralized camps, but due to the situation, they are holding multiple camps in the regions. Beth shared that one organization alone sponsored 100 campers to attend the camp closest to her!
As you pray for the staff/volunteers at these camps, you can pray by name for three who are serving in the Jinja area camp: Lisa, Beth’s adopted daughter, who is on break from University, Crisla, a University student gifted in puppetry and is using “Naigaga”, the African girl puppet Ruth and Laura left behind in 2020, and Hilda, a sweet and gifted girl in her 20's who Beth would like to see more involved in children and youth ministry.
And while praying for God’s work in Uganda, let’s include our own “Jerusalem” and intercede for our churches to actively rise up to the challenge of reaching the children and youth, as well as followup those touched by VBS, camps, etc. held this summer….“while it is yet day.”
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