Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Mission Field At Our Doorstep

 Has it ever hit you how small our world is? New immigrants keep coming into my town here in New Brunswick. Counting children, in the last several years, I have met more than 70 Filipinos. A few families have moved on to other provinces or cities with greater opportunities, but other new immigrants fill their place. This influx of other nations provide us with cross-cultural opportunities for ministry.

  • A couple of local believers delivered and hooked up a used washer and dryer for two new-to-Canada Filipinos.

  • In early summer I completed teaching the Initiative and Courage VOICE Philippines Module on Saturday morning in my home to three middle-school Filipinos.

  • This month, a local church invited and even provided transportation for some 18 Filipino adults and children to a Barbecue at their church!

  • Earlier this year a South American family purchased a townhouse in my building just two doors away! This week while visiting in their home, I met their mothers (communicating via a translator) who are both visiting Canada for the first time.

  • Last month, Ruth and I were privileged to receive Beth Baleke from Uganda. She brought fresh news from East Africa and was able to personally say “thank you for sending us to Uganda” in Ruth’s home church in Claremont, NH. Later Beth gave updates in a number of our former supporting churches here in southern New Brunswick. As Beth visited my Mom, I reminded her, “God has brought Africa to us.” During Beth’s time in NB, she highlighted a need for printing a Swahili version of the Self-Control Module for Tanzania. God’s people responded to this need, including children in a VBS program. To date over USD $14,000 has been raised for the printing of this Module.

In spite of bad news swirling all around us, God is working behind the scenes and building His Kingdom. As God enables, let us be available and obedient, to reach out and join what God is doing locally and globally.

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