Tuesday, June 13, 2017

VEC (Values Education Class) Popping Up in Various Places

God has given us the opportunity to train a good number of people over the past couple of months but the BIG question always is “Will they actually use the training to teach the curriculum in a school?” In the past, we’ve been somewhat disappointed but have tried to focus on the few who did take that step forward.

The second school term in Uganda kicked off this past May 29 and…YES, we are hearing reports of those newly trained people from our various Trainings moving forward in faith into schools; others are teaching it in Sunday Schools.  The Forgiveness Module is being taught in two different schools in Arua, a northwestern corner of Uganda bordering Congo and near the South Sudan border.  Forgiveness is also being taught by Sylvia, a school teacher, in Eastern Uganda.  She has 8 classes in her school and has already taught Lesson 1 in three classes with plans to also teach Forgiveness in the other five.  Janet, Jenifer, and Elizabeth are all teaching Truth—Janet started already; Jenifer and Elizabeth will begin this Friday.  Friday will also find Moses starting to teach Biblical values in a Catholic High School. Pray for a good beginning for each of these…and that more will join them. 

Teaching the 2nd Lesson of Honesty, Zaccheaus,
to the 2nd year high school students.
Perhaps our greatest joy has been to witness a near-by church rallying to teach in both a high school and primary school. Today the team of six (one being from another church) taught the 2nd lesson of Honesty to two classes of 2nd year students at Crane High School.  The same team will return on Thursday to teach another two classes of the 1st year students.  Tomorrow a different team from that same church will begin teaching Honesty to three P4 classes at Kiswa Primary School.  Praise God for this church and these volunteers who have “launched out into the deep” and are passing on Godly values to children and youth in schools and churches.  Uphold them in prayer for eternal fruit and pray that many more churches will follow their example.


  1. What a joy and an encouragement to see a near-by church reaching out to near-by schools.

    I missed seeing last week's pictures so just looked at 2-weeks worth. Loved the sunset! Also nice to see Beth's smile as she prepares a "historic" meal.

  2. Well that certainly calls for a huge PRAISE THE LORD! How very encouraging!
