Tuesday, June 6, 2017

VOICE Africa History in the Making!

VOICE Philippines was birthed among churches eager to use the program to reach schools around them…but that has not been the case here in Uganda. Rather many believe that either Scripture Union personnel or professional teachers should teach the Biblical classes as their own personal ministry—which is fine but it can be so much stronger and more effective as a church ministry. Although Scripture Union leadership continues to be optimistic that churches will “catch on” eventually, challenges have dogged our journey as we and our team have tried to cast the vision. Almost always, church leaders express delight and even excitement when they hear of teaching Biblical values in school classrooms…but that initial enthusiasm somehow fades away before any steps are taken.

BUT, today the first (that we know of) church-initiated VEC (Values Education Class) was taught by volunteers from a church in a high school—both of which are in our area of Kampala! Two classes were taught today and two more are scheduled to be taught on Thursday in that same school. (Interestingly enough, Laura and Ruth test taught the Forgiveness module in this same school a couple of years ago which was well received.) AND, that same church is planning to provide volunteer teachers for a Primary/elementary school near them! Laura and Beth, our Ugandan colleague, were there to witness this historic event and although there is room for improvement, Lesson 1 of the Honesty Module has been taught. Pray with us that they will indeed persevere and “taste” the first fruits of their investment into these students’ lives, share it with others in their church, and spread it to other churches in their network. Trust God with us that this small beginning—small loaves and small fish—will indeed be multiplied for God’s glory.

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