Thursday, January 4, 2018

Who Would Have Thought?

Without doubt, the separation from close friends in the Philippines both among our co-missionaries and Filipinos has been the most difficult adjustment that came with our transfer to Uganda. Facebook helps, but it’s just not the same. We are grateful for the new friends that we have gained here…but nothing can fully replace the friendships that represent years of shared ministry and history.

However, as only God can do, three missionary friends from the Philippines were with us over this Christmas season, our last in Uganda as far as we know. The laughter, catching up with news, sharing, praying, and even playing familiar table games were such a refreshment to our souls. Our time together was certainly a hug from our loving God who knows our deepest needs and sense of loss. Who would have thought that would be possible!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you had a good break.
    Loved seeing all the pictures. You didn’t find the giraffes at Lake Mburo 😏...maybe next time.
