Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Holiday Makers

Here in Uganda the school year begins early February and closes in late November/early December. During this longer holiday, the students are sometimes referred to as “Holiday Makers.” Many churches and various faith based groups use the months of December and January to offer special programs to reach the many children and youth of this nation.
Recently while at Scripture Union I sat down with one of the Scripture Union staff members, Joan, and asked her to share her experience of teaching our first module, Truth, to around 80 of the older participants (15 year old and up) in a Child Development Center within Kampala. This Module presents some of the foundational truths about each person—they are created by God in His image as male or female, totally unique from all others—as well as some basic truths about God with the theme verse being John 8:32 (And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.) As is true of all the modules, the final lesson (lesson 6) presents the Gospel message. As Joan worked toward concluding the lesson, she asked “Who wants to trust Christ as your Savior?” and then asked them to raise their hand with everyone looking. “K” was the first hand that went up; nine others followed, standing to their feet, repenting of their sins and committing themselves to following Christ as Savior and Lord. A clergy who was sitting in on the class took their names and contact information so that they can be followed up and discipled. But K still wasn’t satisfied; she asked to talk with Joan immediately following the class. With many tears, “K” poured out her heart to Joan and another colleague, confessing her involvement in an immoral lifestyle that began more than two years ago. As she shared, she specifically claimed the promise of John 8:32 and praised God that His Word could set her free from this trap she has been in. Everyone, of course, was thrilled with this evidence of God at work.
The list of ten older young people who trusted Christ as their Savior!

Later, we learned that the younger group in that Center were also taught the Truth module and 28 of them made professions of faith. Each of the younger children were also given the booklet “God’s Offer” and those in the older group were given “Welcome to God’s Family” tracts.  Praise God for His amazing work to draw “holiday makers” to the Savior. 


  1. Those stories are absolutely thrilling and bring tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing them!

  2. Imagine the celebration in Heaven over these "holiday makers"!
