Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Smiles and More Smiles

It was a moment not soon to be forgotten…looking into the smiling faces of 31 participants, most of them coming from one of three Refugee Camps where smiles and laughter are sometimes lacking.  Most had traveled at least half a day over extremely bumpy and dusty roads…and were also aware of others who had wanted to come but couldn’t find transportation, not even a motorcycle that would take them. So what caused the smiles? Having a variety of food as opposed to their ration of same-same day after day? Beds and mattresses to sleep on? A ready supply of water without having to fetch it from a bore hole? An opportunity to fellowship with other Christian refugees? No doubt all of those, but we witnessed those smiles grow as they were introduced to puppets (including Ernie) and then made their own sock puppet—some could hardly believe that it was theirs to keep…bringing bigger smiles.
Since our time was too short to allow white glue to dry, the week before we left, the Scripture Union Puppet Team had cheerfully glued a mouthpiece and tongue in each sock, made hairpieces from yarn, and put together a kit that included a needle to sew the hair on with plus wiggly eyes that we attached with a glue gun.  As we helped the refugees create their puppet and then shared with them simple puppet manipulation guidelines, they eagerly began to introduce their new friends to each other. The giggles and laughter couldn’t be smothered. And now it makes us smile to think of those puppet friends being introduced to children and youth back in the refugee camps bringing smiles to their faces too as well as a fresh method of sharing God’s good news.
To be honest, however, the widest smiles came when we gave each one a Scripture Union Daily Devotional Book plus a Bible (thanks to gifts from our supporters). Now doesn't that make you smile?


  1. Awwww ---that DOES make me smile!

  2. What an amazing few days you had. And I'm sure God was smiling too. :)
    Have a great time with your visitors. Looking forward to hearing lots of stories.
