Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Your Labor is not in Vain

As we’ve traveled with Laura’s brothers this past week, we’ve had many opportunities to pass out evangelistic tracts to those we meet along the way, especially to those who serve us in restaurants and the places where we’ve overnighted. Since our arrival in Uganda, no one has ever refused our offer of a tract. More often than not, they ask for additional tracts to give to others…which also happened this past week! 
While chatting with a staff member of a lodge just outside the Queen Elizabeth National Park, I was asked a fairly common question—what am I doing here in Uganda. When I mentioned Scripture Union, his face just lit up. He had been very active in the Scripture Union Club in his Secondary School days. I couldn’t help but smile. Here was yet one more who had been impacted through having Scripture Union Clubs in his school—where Christians students meet usually once a week during their free time for worship, Bible study, prayer, Scripture memorization, and fellowship. I also sensed rising excitement and anticipation within me as I thought of the increased and wider impact as Scripture Union now mobilizes and equips church volunteers to teach Biblical Values in the school classrooms during school time to students of all faiths. Praise God that His Word is living, powerful and changes lives! Our labor as we share His Word is never in vain! We never know the extent of the impact!


  1. Amen! Praying for you during the last stretch of your marathon there in Uganda!

  2. Love the way God surprises us with little doses of encouragement.

  3. Great to see the pictures. Can’t wait to hear the stories.
