I [Jesus] say to you, make friends for yourselves by unrighteous
mammon, that when you fail, they may receive you into an everlasting
home.” (Luke
you’re like me, the meaning of the parable of the unjust steward
(Luke 16:1-13) has been fuzzy.
This past Sunday our pastor, as
part of his
series on the parables of Jesus, put some surprising (for me at
least) pieces together and left me with great motivation to be
faithful in using
is least (money) for eternal gain (Luke
16:10). If I were to loosely
(and amplify) the verse above, it would go something like this:
eternal future
for yourselves by wisely/shrewdly using the money God has given to
you to proclaim the Gospel to as many people as possible, so that
when you die, the people who heard
the Gospel and
came to Christ due to your shrewd use of money will be there to
welcome you into your eternal home/heaven ...even some friends unknown to you who
were reached
by missionaries you supported.
hope that has given you food for thought as it has me! You
who have invested
in Laura, me,
and the ministries God gave to us
will have Filipino and East African friends (and more) to welcome you
eternal home. “You can’t take your money with you when you die
you can send it ahead.”
this week, our Ugandan friend, Beth B., is training representatives
from five of the South Sudanese Refugee Camps in northern Uganda, to
use both the Obedience and Purity modules as evangelism/discipleship
tools in the camps they come from. And
thanks to a generous donor who shrewdly used their money to pay for
VOICE modules, those trained will
return to their areas with a free copy of each module/curriculum to
use to strengthen/extend God’s kingdom in their area.
That donor will have South Sudanese refugees
among their
eternal friends to welcome them into heaven!
* * * * *
SEND VOICE Africa projects extended to the end of 2022!
this month, the final signatures were affixed.
Africa/Uganda project- $24,125, of which $5,000 has already been receipted by SEND and soon will be forwarded to VOICE Africa. This project helps to cover salaries/love gifts to enable three Scripture Union Uganda workers to primarily focus on strengthening and extending the VOICE Africa program (teaching Biblical values to children/youth) throughout Uganda.
Africa/Tanzania/Swahili project
- $35,000 of which $12,000 has already been receipted by SEND and
soon be forwarded
to VOICE Africa. It will help cover the cost of printing Swahili
and Purity Activity
Sheets plus the publishing of the Swahili Truth module on all three
age levels.
Pray for God's provision.