Saturday, December 18, 2021


 If you were to paint a picture showing “excitement,” what would it be? I’m certainly not an artist, but I’d have some ideas...including children waking up on Christmas morning!

Earlier this week, a photo came from Africa which brought me close to tears as I sensed the excitement of those people. Don’t you agree?

 They are South Sudanese refugees living in the Bidibidi Refugee Camp with very few of the “comforts of life” that we often take for granted. And what are they excited about...being part of the Scripture Union end-of-the-year Conference, fellowshipping with other Christians, hearing God’s Word taught, being challenged in their Christian walk and service, and (no doubt, but not the overriding reason) the anticipation of having food to eat at each meal.

Just this morning I read Christ’s sobering words to the church of Laodicea, “For I know your works: you are neither cold not hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spit you out of my mouth.” (Revelation 3:15-16) May our celebration of the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ be “white hot” with love and gratitude for Him and as “sizzling hot,” jubilant, as the excitement of these refugees toward the opportunity to worship Him, Emmanuel!

Tuesday, November 16, 2021


 What comes to your mind when you hear the word Zanzibar? Laura remembers a line of a poem she learned in elementary school..."figs and dates from Zanzibar…” Ruth knew less than that! While we lived in Uganda, a few of our single missionaries went there for Christmas and showed pictures...but never would we have guessed that we would actually be on that island for ministry!

For a bit of a background, in case you too are not aware of these facts, it’s a small island, legally a part of Tanzania but has been given a fair bit of autonomy, partly because it is 98% M’m as compared with 35% of the rest of Tanzania. As God only can do, the evangelical Protestant church is respected on the island and they made it possible for Scripture Union to have a building in “downtown” Zanzibar City which houses their office and a couple small meeting rooms. Among other ministries, they had a Scripture Union club among students in one Primary School (2019).

Newly trained trainers serving with smiles! (2020)
Group picture of 2020 Zanzibar training.
In early 2020, Laura and Ruth went to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, with Beth, our Ugandan friend/colleague and spent a week training four Scripture Union Tanzanian staff to conduct VOICE trainings. And of all places, Zanzibar was chosen as the location for the very first Swahili VOICE Training!
The four newly trained Tanzanians did the vast majority of the training while Beth (who knows a fair bit of Swahili) and the two of us (who by then knew about 4 words!!) were their coaches! It was a wonderful “highlight” experience, and of course, none of us knew what God would do as a result.

Fast forward to late October of this year, Beth and her assistant, Chris, were back in Tanzania to hold a Training of Trainers, not for four people this time, but for 30+ Christian workers! One of the participants, Charles, who somewhat recently joined the work on Zanzibar island, shared with Beth the wonderful report that there are now 15 schools who have Scripture Union clubs and seven of them are using the VOICE curriculum!

Praise God for what He has done! And now that Charles has received training, join us in praying that God will continue the work He has started and use the Biblical Values curriculum to bring many more students and their families to Christ as Savior and Lord.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Who Would Have Guessed? - Missions Near and Far

God surprised me one winter morning as I waiting in-line outside my local bank. “Could it be? Was that the Tagalog language I was hearing, just behind me?” When I turned to look back I discovered a Filipino couple braving the freezing temperatures as they waited their turn to do banking. The couple were stunned when they heard my stammering Tagalog! Thus began visits to their workplace, home, relationship building, helping to provide used furniture to newcomers, and

meeting more Filipinos at birthday parties and on it goes. I have been particularly drawn to the 8-year old daughter of the couple and have ended up volunteering to do child care often a couple of days each week. The child memorizes easily, keeps me energized, and gave me the idea to challenge her family to also memorize Bible verses. They did, and I awarded them an English/Tagalog Bible! Now others have taken on the challenge. I continue to pray for the opportunity in God’s time for a regular evangelistic Bible Study.

Indeed, who would have guessed a mission field right here in my town?

Meanwhile, far across the seas in Tanzania, Scripture Union is trusting God for finances needed to publish the third Swahili values module, that they can better reach the children/youth in their “backyard” with the Gospel. And who would have guessed - this month a Canadian gave over half of what is needed! Will you pray with us for the remaining $5,000+ US to complete this SEND International project for Tanzania? If you can help, please mark your donation “Tanzania Swahili Values Printing Project” and mail to:

SEND International of Canada      or       SEND International

1-22423 Jefferies Road RR35                  PO Box 513

Komoko, ON                                            Farmington, MI 48332

N0L 1R0 CANADA                                  USA


Or you can give online:

     USA donors -

     Canadian donors -

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Personal and Corporate Prayer - AND Testimonies from Africa

Today was one of those mornings when the air was cool, the sun bright, and an incredible day to enjoy God’s creation, especially with a long-time (from elementary school!), but seldom seen friend who is also a sister in Christ. We both so enjoyed eating our picnic by the

Kennebacasis River as we caught up, remembered light moments, and discussed significant concerns on both of our hearts. Before parting, we paused to bring thanksgiving and worship to the One Who loves and waits for us to verbalize our praise and pour out our hearts seeking His will and direction in our priorities and calendars. There’s just something about praying with someone else that adds to our enjoyment and meaning.

Thanks for faithfully petitioning our great God with global concerns from our Prayer Zone; probably it is usually a time between you and God—personal prayer. Next month there is an opportunity for you to join others in prayer for those mutual concerns—corporate prayer—albeit virtually via the internet. October 6, Wednesday, is the exciting day, beginning at 1 PM EST—A 2-hour Concert of Prayer (or for as long as you can stay with us). We hope to have live prayer updates from London, Ontario; Claremont, New Hampshire; and Sussex, New Brunswick...and maybe even from Uganda...with opportunity to actually pray aloud with others in small groups. We’re looking forward to being able to pray with you—hope you can join us!

If you plan to join us, please email Laura so she can send you the needed link. -


In answer to prayer, God has worked in the hearts of children and families who participated in the online teaching of the Truth module in Uganda. Here’s just a few of their testimonies:

  • Dear teachers, I have enjoyed the classes so much. I wish I could attend it every day and teach my friends plus my young sister. I pray that I can be able to spread the word of God to every child who has not been born again so that they can trust in God. The teaching has made me learn to read the Bible very well and be able to preach about it at home during Bible Study and devotions. This has improved me a lot. I love you so much. (Amarorwot)

  • Dear Teachers, Thank you so much for teaching about Truth. I used to tell lies to my parents when I have done something wrong because I feared to be caned/punished but after this lesson, I always tell the truth and they forgive me. I know this makes God, my parents and me happy (the truth sets you free). May God bless you so much for the teachings. (David)

  • We noticed lots of improvements in the life of our daughter in regards to telling of the truth, and also being able to follow through with what she studies and being able to apply it in our family devotions. We have also deliberately given her and her siblings a forum to take us through as a family in regards to the very subject of Truth, indeed we have been blessed by her rich sharing and deep understanding of that topic. We are grateful to her teachers and classmates. May the good Lord bless you big time. (Parents of Namakula)

  • Dear Scripture Union, We are more than overjoyed to see that you are instilling good values to the young generations. When these children hear you emphasizing what we labor to tell them, your added voice is more precious than gold. It’s highly valued by them and we have seen great change in Josiah’s self-esteem because now he knows that he is special. Thanks to all our teachers of the value of Truth. God bless you richly. (Mum and Dad for Josiah)

  • Dear Scripture Union, Thank you for your service. You are a blessing not just to the children, but even us the parents. This is just to appreciate you and to thank you for guiding our children in the ways of God. (Carol’s parent)

  • Hello Scripture Union. Thank you for always teaching the children these values we didn’t get to learn when we were still young. May God richly bless you abundantly. We will surely keep attending the classes. (Jonathan’s parents)


Wednesday, August 18, 2021

I Want to Get Saved!

(The following is a slightly edited copy of an email written by Beth Baleke.)

Early morning, Sunday, July 25, as I heard the familiar Muslim call to prayer, I once again began praying for this large religious group in my nation. Following a great Lord’s Day worship, etc., I took a 10 minute walk to see a friend. As I started home, little kids playing caught my attention. We smiled and waved to each other.  

If only I had carried Naigaga (my soft puppet)! Could I call home and ask for the puppet to be brought?” Then I realized I had not brought my phone. “Would I have time to get the puppet before our nightly curfew?” [due to COVID restrictions]

I hurried home, grabbed Naigaga, CrossTalks, and other literature and headed back. An elderly gentleman called the children back for me! More than a dozen came and loved meeting Naigaga as she introduced the evangelistic tract, CrossTalk. I then gave each a tract and used it to explain the Gospel step by step while most listened intently.

As I finished up, waved goodbye and started toward home, one of the mothers, with covered head and a baby, approached me with the words, “I want to get saved.” Somewhat taken aback, I replied, “Why? Who are you?” (I later reflected if our Lord Jesus would have responded this way!) “My name is Mariam. I was a Muslim but I want to get saved. We just lost my sister’s child! When the child was in so much pain, whenever she heard Christian music it would soothe her. We played Christian music for her until the sick child asked us permission if she could follow Jesus. We gave our permission and the child died. Now with all my problems, I also need Jesus.”

I asked her, “How many children do you have?” She answered, “Four, here is the eldest, Helen.” She introduced two others and the baby in her arms. I responded, “Where is the father of the children?” Her face fell, “This is part of my problem. He was a soldier and left me a year ago. Now I cannot even reach him by phone. I was working in the market but now under lock-down we are all suffering.” 

I briefly explained the Gospel and she prayed to trust Christ! Helen, about 16 years, also trusted Christ as Saviour as her mother encouraged her.  After praying for them, I asked “Do you have a Bible?” Mariam answered, “No. “If I can get you a Bible, what language?” “English.” “I will get you one." "When?" "Today.” She looked surprised. 

I dashed back and retrieved a Bible, Scripture Union devotional book and food! Mariam was so excited to get the Bible she could hardly put it down! She started reading it immediately. She and the children also skipped for joy seeing the food.  

The Lord is AWESOME. I am rejuvenated. I am so thankful to our great God and His Holy Spirit’s prompting. God is merciful and helped me overcome my being weary from walking! Pray as I do follow-up with Miriam and her family. Pray others may come to Christ even during our continuing COVID lock-down.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Golden Bowls of Prayer

When is the last time you bought an ounce of something in a retail store? I imagine you are probably chuckling at that thought—it’s such a ridiculously little amount. Yet when it comes to gold, an ounce will cost us over $1,800.00! In Revelation 5:8, God tells us that the prayers of God’s people are pictured as incense held before God’s throne by the four living beings and the twenty-four elders in gold bowls. The worth of a gold bowl would be thousands and helps us understand the value God places on prayer.

Two years ago, I joined a conversation with SEND Canada leadership about prayer mobilization here in Eastern Canada. Recently, we agreed to pilot two “Concerts of Prayer,” this Fall, the first one on Wednesday October 6 followed by the second one on Wednesday, November 3, each of them running from 1:00 – 3:00 PM, EST. We anticipate a number of passionate prayer warriors joining together on-line via Zoom to hear both global and local prayer concerns and then actively participate in small prayer groups which Zoom refers to as “break-out rooms.” Among others, Mags, the SEND Canada Director as well as Ruth and I plan to share updates.

YOU ARE INVITED, no matter which country, province or state you live in, to join one or both of these Prayer Concerts. If you are not familiar with the program called Zoom, ask those in your church—almost for sure you’ll find someone who can help you set the program up on your computer or phone with internet capability or if you aren't successful, contact me/Laura (email address follows). If you are interested in participating, please let me/Laura know via e-mail: ( For those who respond, I’ll forward additional information as the time gets closer.

Let’s put behind us our human tendency to secretly doubt the power and effectiveness of prayer, and intentionally/earnestly offer up (corporately and individually) sweet smelling incense to fill those golden bowls of Revelation 5 as we intercede for God’s global Kingdom work.


Thursday, June 17, 2021

God’s Changeless Word in our Changing World Producing Life-Changes in Many

 Isa. 55:11 “so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

This past week, I was reminded again of the power of
God’s Word as I completed editing “The Forbidden Book,” in preparation for it being reprinted. Initially published in 2014 by the Philippine Bible Society, it attempts to display God’s miraculous plan using Filipinos and expatriates in late 1800/early 1900 to translate and print the Bible in several Philippine languages, and then smuggle those printed Bibles into the country, sometimes at the cost of their lives. Toward the end of the 1800's, at an historic meeting in Manila, Filipino Nicolas Zamora proclaimed to lovers/readers of God’s Word “the lock is off this book,” (page 42, Forbidden Book). Now statistics reveal that about 14% of Filipinos are Evangelical Christians!

Fast forward to 2020/2021, Covid has restricted many, especially children, from exposure to God’s Word...but in no way has it "locked" God's Word or His power! Many, including VOICE Philippines and VOICE Africa, have expanded their ministry to include small group sessions and/or on-line platforms. And testimonies of changed lives continue! Here are two very brief but encouraging reports recently received from churches who partnered with VOICE Philippines (pre-Covid) revealing lasting fruit from Biblical Values classes.

  • Students who started attending church while studying VOICE and who graduated a few year ago are still attending church.

  • Our former VOICE students continue to attend Bible studies and church services.

Let’s be encouraged and continue sharing the unstoppable Word of God in any way that we can; there will be eternal fruit—God promises that!

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

ANSWERED PRAYER – FINALLY – Swahili Forgiveness and Purity Activity Sheets are Printed!

I was recently sharing with a friend a photo book Ruth put together showing highlights of our January-February, 2020, East Africa visit. Perhaps the peak of that trip was visiting Tanzania with Beth, meeting the Scripture Union leaders, being among the first to hold the newly published Swahili Forgiveness and Purity Curricula and then coaching a Training Team who conducted three Swahili VOICE Trainings while we were there.

BUT the Activity Sheets were missing. They were printed in Kenya (as was the rest of the curriculum), but a misunderstanding arose over the quoted price and the price they were charging for those sheets. For some reason, still unknown to us, God chose to say “no” to our request to reconcile the printer and Scripture Union. Instead He chose to have them reprinted in Tanzania, almost 1½ years later! Finally, those two Swahili VOICE Africa curriculum packs are COMPLETE!! This print job alone involved nearly 2 million sheets of paper! THANKS FOR STANDING WITH US IN PRAYER during all these many months! THANKS TOO to those who gave toward this project.

Now the National Director of Scripture Union Tanzania, Stellah, and her team are faced with the huge job of correlating, counting and packaging them with the Teacher’s Manual and Visual Aid book. We have heard of one Youth Camp that will be teaching either or maybe both of the Forgiveness and/or Purity Module next month! Pray for promotion, training events, and sale of the curriculum so that many hundreds of Tanzanian children/youth might be taught godly values and introduced to the Savior. Pray also as Beth makes plans to Tanzania, possibly in the next couple of months to encourage the Scripture Union staff as well as check out the possibility for printing the Truth Module, which is already translated into Swahili.

Friday, April 16, 2021

In Every Way...Christ is Preached

 “What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached; and in this I rejoice, yes, and will rejoice. (Philippians 1:18)

Although the pandemic has continued to restrict almost everyone on the planet, "The Lord of the Harvest" continues His amazing work...including making us more dependent on Him. Due in part to limited local fellowship and outreach, I (Laura) have the time/opportunity to frequently connect to ministry in East Africa, especially via Beth B., our Ugandan colleague/friend, thanks to What’s App, Zoom, and cell phones. It’s been fascinating to hear how God opens the way for continued sharing of the Good News with students and others despite obstacles that hinder His servants from proceeding as they had in the past.

Just this month, there are at least four ways that Biblical Values are being taught in Uganda alone:

  1. In schools – Previously this was almost exclusively the venue for teaching the standards of God’s righteousness. Recently, after almost one full year, most schools have finally reopened with the exception of the classes for the youngest children. In at least one school, the Head Teacher/Principal has asked VOICE volunteers to start teaching in the classrooms; this one particular school requested the Obedience Module.

  2. In communities – Trained South Sudanese Christian refugees continue to teach Biblical Values to their fellow refugees using whatever place is available—sometimes a building and sometimes outside.

  3. Online – As you know, both VOICE Philippines and VOICE Africa have been using digital means to connect with students in their own homes. Currently, VOICE Africa is teaching the newest module, Responsibility, online.

  4. In churches – Many schools still hesitate to allow volunteers to teach their students, so Beth is exploring a new path. After presenting the idea to some churches who know her, at least two have opened their doors for students from near-by schools to come for the teaching of Biblical values...which begins this very week! Beth has also trained people from those churches to be the teachers! Stay tuned to hear what God will do.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Initial Opportunities for Resumed Face-to-Face Teaching of Biblical Values in Ugandan Schools

Although the Philippines continues under many restrictions, Uganda has been gradually loosening their pandemic guidelines. More school classrooms opened this month and plans are for others to do so next month, April. School authorities could easily use the pandemic to reject Scripture Union ministry, but instead some have invited them to speak to their current students. This includes a Catholic School who asked that an abbreviated version of the Purity be taught to their grade 7 students! It was well received and indications are they will explore options for more Biblical Values to be taught once other students are allowed to return to school!

Very soon after that opportunity, a Church of Uganda school welcomed the teaching of Obedience and Self-Control to 68 students from grade 6 – 13 during a 3-day Youth Conference. An indication of a “satisfied customer” came with a gift toward Scripture Union VOICE ministry plus a request for a future VOICE Training for their staff and the purchase of at least 12 VOICE curriculum packs! The “icing on the cake” was a 14-year old student's plea to one of the Scripture Union facilitators for guidance to trust in Christ as Savior! Praise God for these renewed opportunities and God’s evident blessing.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Prepare for Your Eternal Future

 “And I [Jesus] say to you, make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon, that when you fail, they may receive you into an everlasting home.” (Luke 16:9)

If you’re like me, the meaning of the parable of the unjust steward (Luke 16:1-13) has been fuzzy. This past Sunday our pastor, as part of his series on the parables of Jesus, put some surprising (for me at least) pieces together and left me with great motivation to be faithful in using what is least (money) for eternal gain (Luke 16:10). If I were to loosely paraphrase (and amplify) the verse above, it would go something like this:

Make eternal future friends for yourselves by wisely/shrewdly using the money God has given to you to proclaim the Gospel to as many people as possible, so that when you die, the people who heard the Gospel and came to Christ due to your shrewd use of money will be there to welcome you into your eternal home/heaven ...even some friends unknown to you who were reached by missionaries you supported.

I hope that has given you food for thought as it has me! You who have invested in Laura, me, and the ministries God gave to us will have Filipino and East African friends (and more) to welcome you into your eternal home. “You can’t take your money with you when you die but you can send it ahead.”

And this week, our Ugandan friend, Beth B., is training representatives from five of the South Sudanese Refugee Camps in northern Uganda, to use both the Obedience and Purity modules as evangelism/discipleship tools in the camps they come from. And thanks to a generous donor who shrewdly used their money to pay for VOICE modules, those trained will return to their areas with a free copy of each module/curriculum to use to strengthen/extend God’s kingdom in their area. That donor will have South Sudanese refugees among their eternal friends to welcome them into heaven!

* * * * * *

Two SEND VOICE Africa projects extended to the end of 2022!

Just this month, the final signatures were affixed.

VOICE Africa/Uganda project- $24,125, of which $5,000 has already been receipted by SEND and soon will be forwarded to VOICE Africa. This project helps to cover salaries/love gifts to enable three Scripture Union Uganda workers to primarily focus on strengthening and extending the VOICE Africa program (teaching Biblical values to children/youth) throughout Uganda.

VOICE Africa/Tanzania/Swahili project - $35,000 of which $12,000 has already been receipted by SEND and will soon be forwarded to VOICE Africa. It will help cover the cost of printing Swahili Forgiveness and Purity Activity Sheets plus the publishing of the Swahili Truth module on all three age levels.

Pray for God's provision. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Precious…is the death of His Saints

Precious in the sight of the Lord Is the death of His saints.
(Psalm 116:15)

On January 4, 2021 as I was conversing with Beth B in Africa via Whats App, another call came in. When I saw it was from a friend in Moncton, I quickly ended the call with Beth. My friend informed me I could join her at her mother’s palliative care room at a nursing facility in Moncton. I packed up immediately and left to be with her. What an honour for the next hours to join her at her mother’s bedside singing, praying, reading Scripture and expressing love and appreciation. 


I knew her mother quite well, having met her (Marion) more than 35 years ago and enjoyed her hospitality--many times in New Brunswick and at least once in Florida--that time with both of my parents and an aunt. Marion was a hard worker, loved humor including “Ernie,” excelled in gardening, quilting, and loved eating fried green tomatoes, and Russet apples. Faithful to her church, she was usually present when Ruth and I gave our reports/presentations. At one point, years ago, we mentioned a support need. I will never forget after the church service, how Marion met me on the steps and assured me she would begin supporting our mission work. We were floored! She indeed became a faithful, generous donor as well as an ardent prayer partner.


As the hour headed toward midnight, we continued the vigil together. Then her eyelid fluttered and fairly soon after that we realized she was gone. It was a hallowed moment and I can only imagine the Heavenly welcome she received. 


Marion, what an example in life and in death! Here on earth, due to COVID, there will be no funeral but...there in heaven a great celebration as one of God's saints arrived HOME!