Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Forgiveness Unites a Family

In the midst of back-to-back Values Training which sprang up this month, a previously scheduled Obedience Lower Primary Test Teaching Orientation at Scripture Union had been on our calendar.  Although feeling fatigue, Ruth and I made our way, Sept.16, through morning traffic to the Scripture Union Headquarters on the other side of the city and dusted off tables and chairs, organized the test teaching curriculum, and set up for tea break.  Our VOICE Staff Chris, joined us and we eventually welcomed 12 Test Teachers.  Some had traveled all night by bus, coming as the representative from one of the Scripture Union Regional offices, to make the meeting.   

We were encouraged as we walked our volunteer Test Teachers through the lessons on Obedience.  Then as we were coming to final details of the orientation, testimonies started as one after another shared how God had worked and used past Curriculum in their personal lives.  A Head Teacher (Principal) from the Eastern Region shared how she felt so convicted as she was preparing to test teach the Module Forgiveness.  “How can I teach this to others when I refuse to forgive my own wayward daughter?”  At that point the Head Teacher did not even know where she was.  As she leafed through the pages of the Teacher’s Manual she made a decision – by God’s grace, she would retract her prayer for God to take her daughter in death and instead would obey God by forgiving and releasing the burden of her daughter to the Lord.  A heavy weight was lifted and she now could enter the classroom with a clear conscience. Three days later, her daughter called, “Mommy, can I come home…..I want to go back to school.”  Arrangements were made and her daughter returned to school. Now, several months later, she continues with her studies and serves as a volunteer teaching children to follow God’s way!  Praise God for His amazing ways to touch and transform lives.

The 2nd testimony--Reconciliation with his mother
Another test teacher shared how that same module had been used of God to “force” him to seek reconciliation with his mother…who couldn’t stop hugging and kissing him once he returned to make things right!
As you know, this is the module that is now being published. What an encouragement to hear these spontaneous and surprise testimonies of how God used it in the teachers’ lives even before it was taught to the students.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Next Week??

More than a year ago Beth and I made a courtesy call to the Child Development Office of a major Christian University to the east of Kampala. At that time we talked about the possibility of some of their students teaching Values. This meeting led to drafting a Concept Paper…which seemed to get lost once or twice. We sincerely doubted that anything would ever happen. But Beth urged us to follow-up yet once again. So a date was set this last Monday to meet together.
The Scripture Union (SU) National Director and Beth (the previous National Director) plus two other SU Staff joined the meeting yesterday. We met with three of the team who lead the Child Development and spend all morning and lunch time together. The result of this meeting was a wide door with immediate action desired. The SU National Director sees this as a huge opportunity and quickly agreed that we would train the 38 students in this Course…for three full days NEXT WEEK! The university professors took the responsibility to find schools where these students can then teach the Values Classes as part of their course. I could hardly get my head around what I was hearing…next week is already overflowing with two trainings plus we’re into the thick of publishing…but “no” was not an option!
And then, of all things, the Dean of the university “just happened” to drop in and eagerly listened to the plans giving his hearty approval. He then proposed that following the pilot test, training others to teach values can be carried to other areas of the campus. Needless to say this is a huge responsibility…and opportunity! Please pray as we make adjustments to put together something to effectively equip these students to reach out to nearby schools…not just to meet a new course requirement but also to bring transformation to the lives of many students as they are introduced to the Bible and God’s standard of righteousness.