Friday, December 15, 2023

God’s Specialty – Bringing Good from What We Consider Bad

VOICE Philippines sent us a Christmas greeting, including a video of a group gathering saying in unison “Merry Christmas from VOICE Philippines”! One part of the greeting included three praises coming from 2023 and three prayer requests as we head into 2024. What really caught my attention were the 2nd and 3rd praise items:


Great interest and enthusiasm of churches to teach Godly values after the lockdown. Average attendance in teachers’ training jumped from 33 (2019) to 55 post pandemic. The second highest number of churches were also trained.”


Per reports, 4 churches were planted during the pandemic, values students came to know the Lord, dozens of them were baptized, at least two values students became pastors and some became values volunteer teachers.”


Wow! Not one or two...but four churches planted...only God! God certainly deserves our praise and our continued trust even when what we consider unfortunate or bad things happen...He is at work!

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Biblical Values Impacting Students and Teachers Alike

 The September VOICE Africa Report had several news items that made our heart rejoice and perhaps will do that for you too, as our prayer partners:

  • VOICE Africa has a new Scripture Union Uganda volunteers on their team—Jackline!

  • Upon the invitation of a church/school in Nsambya, southern Kampala, some of the VOICE Africa team went to conduct a one-day conference focused on Moral Purity attended by 150 teens. The administration explained that their community was particularly wracked by immorality. Using the Purity Module, the team shared God’s loving and wise plan for sex as well as His warnings of dire consequences if ignored. The Gospel was also shared to which 87 teens responded by making a profession to trust Christ as Savior. The VOICE team is asking prayer for the administration as they followup these professions and also plan/prepare for ongoing/weekly Biblical values instruction.

  • (During our time in Uganda, without doubt, the most memorable testimonies of impact came following the teaching of the Forgiveness Module. Here’s one that happened recently.)

    Joy, one of 25 participants in the early September VOICE Training which focused on the module of forgiveness, was assigned, as are all participants, a lesson to demonstrate the following/second day of the training. As she was sharing the content of that lesson, she broke down in tears and loud wails, confessing to those in her small group, “I have long held a bitter grudge against my stepmother for her cruel treatment of me and my siblings during childhood.” She was now choosing to obey God’s command to forgive. As evidence of change, she promised to visit her stepmother the following weekend and reconcile with her.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

“Nuggets” from Communication with VOICE Philippines and Africa

VOICE Philippines

  • One school in southern Philippines asked VOICE to address their students, 14 of whom were pregnant, in the area of morality. VOICE staff/volunteers taught the module “True Love” which covers God’s standard of sex/morality and it was well received!

  • A good number of churches indicated they are planning to either continue, restart, or start for the first time to teach Biblical Values in schools. One (Quezon City) in three schools, another (also Quezon City) to grades 8-10, another (Samar Island) is targeting 10 schools and reports that many area pastors want to be involved!

  • One church in Negros Occidental completed their first year of teaching Godly Values in a high school and reported that during the Closing Recognition Ceremony, the Principal also awarded the VOICE Certificates of Completion to qualifying students! The pastor added a prayer request for more volunteers since many other area schools want Godly Values to be taught to their students!

VOICE Africa

  • The Biblical value of Honesty is being taught in a Primary School and the teacher reported that 3 Muslim students had given their lives to Jesus!

  • Comments/remarks (paraphrased) from some who have recently attended a VOICE Training:

    • "The training really changed the way I teach children both in my school and church."

    • "During the training, I was convicted of my low view of children and wrong attitude and so I asked for God’s forgiveness. I also need His help to develop a Christ-honoring view of children as I continue to teach."

    • "I now realize that it is my God-given duty to teach the young generation about the good values."

    • I love the fact that I have been challenged not only to reach out to children that come to church but also children in my neighborhood."


Thursday, June 22, 2023

Scripture Union South Sudan

When Ruth and I lived in Uganda, we had the privilege of welcoming into our home the Scripture Union South Sudan National Director, Manese and his wife, on one or two occasions. What a blessing to meet them and hear their humble servant hearts as they faithfully serve God in difficult circumstances.

Although we know the VOICE curriculum is continuously being used in that nation in spite of on-going conflict and violence, we seldom hear actual details or receive pictures. So...what a treat last month to receive his May, 2023, report. Amid lots of other great ministry among schools, street children, etc., that Scripture Union is so well known for doing, we, of course were particularly interested to learn that 630 students were reached through Values Classes in five schools. Plus, more recently, 300+ students were reached through Values classes in Kojokeji, a town somewhat close to the eastern Uganda/South Sudan border. And then we also received this picture

Students showing the Forgiveness Bookmark they received
for completing the Activity Sheets of that module.

taken in the “interior,”
of a class that had just finished the Forgiveness Module. Wow, we “hit the jackpot!” His report also listed several goals with one of them being to train 20 new volunteers to teach the Values Curriculum.  

Only God knows the full extend of how the VOICE curriculum is being used of God among these East African nations. It is humbling to know that we—you included—have had a small part in what the Lord of the Harvest is doing. Praise Him...and keep praying.

Friday, April 14, 2023

VOICE Africa Up Close And Personal

 Beth and me with a Filipino friend who helped prepare a
"merienda"/refreshments for some of
my Filipino contacts.

For 10 busy days in mid-March, VOICE Africa took front center stage among our friends in the Sussex/Saint John/Moncton area, NB. Beth Baleke, the VOICE Africa coordinator for East Africa, stayed with me and together we made several visits to individuals and small groups. Five New Brunswick churches also gladly gave Beth an opportunity to share a first-hand up-to-date report, complete with recent pictures, on the continued expansion in Uganda, including the South Sudanese Refugee camps, plus Tanzania and Ethiopia. In each of those nations, there is an urgent need for the teaching of godly values to children and youth. And...praise God, opportunities to do just that are also abundant...but the laborers are few. Please pray with Beth and the VOICE Africa staff that many more of Christians who have been or are being trained to teach the VOICE curriculum will take the next step to implement what they have learned for the sake of God’s kingdom.

South Sudanese refugee children at the recent
Easter Camp doing the actions for the definition
of Values.

Toward the end of her visit, Beth mentioned that her highlight was the warm welcome she received from God’s people and their interest in the opportunity in East Africa for exposing children and youth to Biblical values and the Gospel. Another highlight, also close to my heart, was the serious interest/consideration shown by two churches to add at least one of the two VOICE projects to their budgets: 1) strengthening the ongoing growth of VOICE Africa in Uganda ($15,000+) and 2) translation/printing of another VOICE Africa module of curriculum: Self-Control in Swahili and/or Purity in Amharic ($25,000).

God is at work!

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Projects and a Personal Visit


Before the close of 2022, SEND Canada and Scripture Union Uganda signed a new 2-Year Memorandum of Understanding on two projects:

  1. The VOICE Africa Program ($15,684)
    Basically this is a continuation of our and SEND’s desire to see the VOICE Africa program more fully established, especially in Uganda, and growing in fruitfulness in schools, churches, and community outreaches. Funds toward this fund will help pay the salaries of two Scripture Union Uganda staff who are assigned primarily to the VOICE Africa ministry.

  2. Translation and Printing of VOICE curriculum in Swahili (Tanzania) and/or Amharic (Ethiopia) ($25,000)
    Scripture Union Tanzania would like to add “Self-Control” to their current set of three VOICE Africa Swahili modules of curriculum. Ethiopia is aiming to add “Purity” to the current two VOICE Africa Amharic modules. Although the above stated amount will not cover all costs, it would certainly be a great encouragement and help to these nations in their desire to evangelize and disciple the next generation.

We invite your prayers and investment in these continuing opportunities to share God’s Word, Biblical Values, to children and youth in the churches, communities and especially schools in East Africa. Gifts for either of these projects can be receipted by:

SEND International USA                   SEND Canada

Box 513                                            1-22423 Jefferies Rd., RR 5

Farmington, MI 48332                      Komoka, ON   N0L 1R0 (give name of project)

PERSONAL VISIT - Beth Baleke Coming Soon

A Board meeting, Missions Conference, and numerous visits/speaking opportunities, etc. will bring Beth (Scripture Union Uganda) to North America next month. Included in her itinerary, Lord willing, she will be in New Brunswick for 10 days. For you who live in the area, please plan to hear an update from her:

Wednesday, March 22,
7:00 p.m.
Faith Bible Baptist Fellowship
33 Pine Street, Sussex, NB.

Kindly be in touch with Laura (506)433-5501 for any questions/details.