Monday, March 15, 2021

Initial Opportunities for Resumed Face-to-Face Teaching of Biblical Values in Ugandan Schools

Although the Philippines continues under many restrictions, Uganda has been gradually loosening their pandemic guidelines. More school classrooms opened this month and plans are for others to do so next month, April. School authorities could easily use the pandemic to reject Scripture Union ministry, but instead some have invited them to speak to their current students. This includes a Catholic School who asked that an abbreviated version of the Purity be taught to their grade 7 students! It was well received and indications are they will explore options for more Biblical Values to be taught once other students are allowed to return to school!

Very soon after that opportunity, a Church of Uganda school welcomed the teaching of Obedience and Self-Control to 68 students from grade 6 – 13 during a 3-day Youth Conference. An indication of a “satisfied customer” came with a gift toward Scripture Union VOICE ministry plus a request for a future VOICE Training for their staff and the purchase of at least 12 VOICE curriculum packs! The “icing on the cake” was a 14-year old student's plea to one of the Scripture Union facilitators for guidance to trust in Christ as Savior! Praise God for these renewed opportunities and God’s evident blessing.