Tuesday, March 15, 2022

God’s Word at Work

 This past week, the Scripture Union Uganda National Director submitted to SEND Canada a summary report of the VOICE Program during 2021, and copied Laura and me. He did a fabulous job and included three testimonies of impact. One has been shared on this blog previously but here are two additional stories.

Moses, a Christian worker - During one of the trainings on the Forgiveness Module, Moses, one of those being trained, made the hard decision to forgive his uncle who had mistreated him and his siblings while they were young. He was their temporary care giver but unfortunately denied them school fees even though their late parents had left sufficient money for their education. Moses lamented how much his uncle hurt them and grieves for his sister who continues to struggle emotionally. However, after the forgiveness sessions, Moses chose to forgive and he shared that decision with everyone at the training. Thanks be to God.

Nakisige, a student - Nakisige, 13 years old, was attending the Values Education Class being taught at the St. James Anglican Church in Jinja where the module on Truth was being taught. After memorizing the Values Promise/Lesson Aim for the the second lesson, “I will believe everything God says is true” and learning the theme verse for the Truth module, John 8:32 - “You will know the truth and the truth shall set you free,” Nakisige put up her hand and blurted out, “For me I am a Muslim but I want to follow Jesus.” The VEC teacher was in utter shock and fear at such a public confession. But Nakisige repeated herself out loud in the hearing of everyone present. The Assistant VEC teacher was equally shocked and not knowing what else to say, told the main teacher, “Auntie, we cannot hear what she is saying!!” And so Nakisige immediately repeated her desire the third time!! Finally the teachers realized that she truly meant what she was saying! Praise God she was then counseled for salvation and given instruction for her new life in Christ.